chapter one

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"I don't want to die."

The boat was rocking back and forth, her nausea getting worse by the minute, she peeked through the bars. Knowing that they will never believe her she breathes in, preparing herself for what is about to happen.
The door opens, revealing a tall balding man
"Come with me." He stated coldly, the young women followed sitting down near the edge of the boat
They man hooks a weight to her right foot, and then the women would be forced into the water, to die a painful death of suffocating on water.
She stood on the edge of the boat, terrified.

"I don't want to die"
I thought looking around for sympathy, only to be denied.
I was knocked out of my daze by a sudden push
well, I've had a good run? Right
I slightly chuckled to myself knowing that my life really didn't amount to anything.
The cold water hugged my skin, in a way it felt peaceful, like the water was giving me a hug, until I felt my lungs burn, their need for oxygen was too much and I sharply inhaled they water, choking on the water, my eyes flutter shut, and I loose my Conscience.
"Do not worry my child, you are safe now."

I bolted awake, my eyes opening j my to meet a terrible sight, my arms where deformed , i had gills, and worst of all I had a tail.
Sure, I'm great full to be alive but what the fuck?And it's dark as hell, and also...
How do I swim with this dumb tail???

I was knocked out of my head when I heard a voice
I looked over to see a man and a women and what it looked like to be...

I quickly moved my body (or at least tried to) barely dodging the spear, I see the figures come running closer revealing a red haired male and a white haired women
"I- I am so sorry! How may I repay you" the white older women said glaring at what looked like to be her son
"I'm sor-" the red haired boy uttered as his mom placed a hand on his mouth
"Ignore him, again I am very sorry can I have the pleasure of your name?"
The women said, slightly distressed that her son almost killed someone.
"Uhh, it's calypso do you happen to know where I am?" I said, confused with everything going on
"Oh dearie... are you new?" The white haired women said, suddenly she grabbed my hand and lifted me up, I stumble not sure how to use my new appendage.

"Again I am sorry, my son is training to become a Chevalier. You must tell me, do you really not know where you are?"
I stared into her eyes, in pure confusion
"Ugh, I do not I'm sorry, I think I'm dead?"
I started to quake a bit, remembering the stinging feeling in my lungs
"Oh sweetheart! Welcome to the kingdom of prismarine!, I assume you were brought back by our queen. Though you might not be able to meet her, be thankful she kept you alive!"
"what the fuck?"
I thought, so many questions flew through my head, I was in a sea of confusion
"oh? So what even am I now and, how did she even bring me back? What's so special about me? And wh-" I stopped my sentence to see a hand over my mouth
"honey, I get you have a lot of questions but I need you to talk slower so I can understand."
Her hand lifted off of my face, I clear my throat and try to annunciate my words better than before
"What am I?" Is the only really important question at the moment
"Oh I gotcha darling, we are fin folk we live down here, since I bet you don't have a place to stay I can let you stay at my place until you get better."
I was thankful, but I didn't want to burden this family.."is that really alright? I don't want to be a problem." I said clasping my webbed hands together
"Of course, follow me" she began to swim away her son following her tracks
"Uh, how do I swim with this?" I said, wondering if she forgot that I was new to this whole thing
"Oh my I'm sorry! Here let me help you"
She swam back over and tilted me forward, teaching me the basics.
Sure I couldn't do any flips are go super fast but this was good enough for now.
"Thank you miss... uhm what's your name?" I said
"Ah yes! You may call me Sedna, and this is my son delta."
She said with a smile, I followed her to their home in a comfortable science

She opened the door of a little grassy hut, it was quite cute
It had five rooms, a kitchen, and three bedrooms and one bathroom
"Is there anything you want to eat darling?"
I nodded, some steak would be good after a long day but, do they even have human food here?
"What do you guys have? I'm pretty unfamiliar with fin folk styled food."
All Sedna did was smile and nod, leaving me confused and slightly worried for what I was about to consume.
Whatever it was, it surely smelled good
"What did you make?" I said glaring at the items she had wrapped in kelp
"Just some fish and sea cucumber kelp wraps, I hope you enjoy them, and sometime I can teach you how to make them."
I stared at them, I haven't had something other than water and crackers for the past 4 weeks, I was starving.
"Thank you Sedna! So much, I've been super hungry" I chuckled
"No problem dearie, eat up I want to show you some stuff tomorrow. It will be a long day"
I nodded, because I was unable to speak with all the food stuffed into my mouth.

{end of chapter one}
AN: hello! This is the first chapter and I'm super excited to show you everything I've planned. I wanted to let you guys know that Sedna is not a love interest, more of a mother figure for our poor calypso⁉️⁉️
Enjoy 😳

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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