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"You are starbound."

The lion opened his cerulean eyes to see a room lit in candlelight, and a young teenage girl kneeling in front of him. She had diamond blonde hair down to her shoulders, and she was dressed in ceremonial clothes of some sort. The embroidery was an intricate white on a navy blue tunic, a combination of colors he saw often in his home realm. His thoughts were interrupted when the girl held her hand out to him, palm up. Her head was dipped slightly, ice-colored eyes locked with his.

This was a gesture he was familiar with. He had been taught what to do next. As a response, he placed his muzzle gently on her hand.

She smiled and bowed her head. "Thank you for this honor. I am Melisende Orhan. What name may I call you by?"

He responded in her mind as he knew he could do, returning the bow of her head however he could by rubbing the side of his face on her hand. "You may call me Ischys."

A mage wearing robes of a similar color combination broke the sacred silence after that and stepped into the candlelight. "The spirit animal is a white lion! Crown princess, may we know the great beast's name?"

Ischys immediately sensed Melisende was tense, although he watched her stand up appearing perfectly composed as she moved her hand to his back.

"His name is Ischys."

The white lion's ears twitched; he could hear someone scribbling something. The smell of the candles was dimming his senses, but he could tell they were not alone in the room. It was made more obvious when a man and a woman approached Melisende, standing next to the astral mage. They wore the same tunics, simpler than Melisende's. They were orange with white embroidery of a similar sort to hers, and each of them wore a crown on their heads. Ischys sensed his starbound's tension rise further. He admired the way she managed not to let it show.

"We are so proud of you," the man began, his crown denoting him as the king of this country. "The man who founded this kingdom had a lion as his spirit animal as well... I am sure our people will be overjoyed to hear of yours."

"Thank you, father."

"Now you just have to train him properly," the woman continued, her own crown indicating she must have been the queen consort. "Our palace astrikomancer will stay with you until you have gotten this under control, alright sweetie?"

"... yes, mother."

The mage bowed. "I will be happy to assist! This is the most magnificent starbond I have had the pleasure to direct the ceremony for."

A younger girl ran up to them next, startling Ischys. How he had not sensed her, he had no idea, but she didn't seem dangerous. She had long golden brown hair growing down to her waist, paired with baby blue eyes strikingly similar to Melisende's. Her bright smile seemed to make the adults nearby settle, pastel purple dress swooshing after her. He also noticed an axolotl peering above the girl's shoulder, held inside a water magic bubble. The two were talking with their hands joined together, until the younger one hugged Melisende and backed away a little once it'd been reciprocated for a few seconds, moving her hands in subtle yet very specific motions.

"He feels really strong, Mel!"

Melisende turned to him still bearing the fond smile this new person had caused. "Ischys, this is my cousin, Catherine."

"And your fiance as well," the king reminded from a few steps away. "Do not forget that, your wedding is only four years away."

Ischys could sense his starbound barely resisting the urge to groan, and allowed Catherine to pet him. Her hands felt warm, buzzing with magic in a strange way he didn't know human hands could. His enjoyment of these ministrations came to an end as soon as an armed, armored, dark-skinned teen came into view. Her coily hair's buzz cut struck Ischys as unusual, since as far as he knew, the military of this kingdom did not have any hair length requirements, but he supposed even in the powerful sunlight of the desert, it wouldn't hurt her scalp if she was keeping her hair like this.

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