Part 1 - Well fuck

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Sonic watched as Shadow fell after defeating the biohazard, he felt himself feel crushed by sadness. Though he was afraid to show the true emotion he had toward Shadow, he went back up to the ark and gave Rouge the ring that Shadow wore.

Present day - Searching

At this point of time Sonic had been searching for any remains of Infinite, yet he had found nothing. Oddly he was assigned to this mission with Shadow, Shadow searched as well being more serious than Sonic, he noticed something... It was a broken piece of Infinite's mask. "Sonic, I found something..." Shadow says going to grab the mask but instantly gets his hand slapped away from it. "Don't touch It, we don't wanna lose the glove prints. It can maybe lead us to who he actually was, I am confident in it!" Suddenly a soft groaning noise was heard, Sonic and Shadow's ears both perked up as they both headed in the direction the sound came from. That's where Infinite laid maskless and bleeding out, Sonic gasped at the sight as he had never seen something so gruesome. "Oh my god... How long has he been like this?" Shadow asked as Sonic started running over to Infinite. The two of them quickly got to him and started checking on him. Shadow put his hands over him while Sonic used one arm to lift him up, Shadow could tell that Infinite wasn't breathing right. Sonic instantly went to checking his pulse and it was rapidly declining, Sonic cursed knowing damn well that Infinite would die if they didn't hurry. "Shadow we have to get to the resistance base pronto." Shadow nodded as he helped Sonic lift Infinite into his arms and sped to the base, Sonic placed Infinite on a bed in a room where people can recover or if they suffer bad injuries like in Infinite's case. "Quick we need an EMT stat!" Sonic yelled out as one of the EMT's came out and started patching up Infinite's huge wound, after the wound had been patched the EMT started doing CPR because of his heartbeat slowing. Sonic then thought of something. "H-Hey Shadow? Do you remember what happened on the ark?" Sonic asked curiously, Shadow looked angry and punched the wall where Sonic's face would be if he didn't move. "How do you know!?" Shadow yelled. "I think you have the wrong idea Shadow, you used to call me 'faker' and beat me up. In the end you called me the true ultimate lifeform, it actually made me not want to go on after you had 'died'. The amount of respect after you found out about your true purpose towards me, it was phenomenal." Sonic says wholeheartedly. "What happened in the end of it?" Shadow asks.

Past - ending

"Shadow are you alright?" Sonic asked looking at the ebony black hedgehog before him but only this time a bright shining yellow. "Y-Yeah.. I guess I'm just.. Tire......." Shadow starts to pass out but Sonic catches him. "Shadow!?" "Take these... Farewell Sonic The Hedgehog.." He says as he gives Sonic the inhibitor rings, and pushes himself away. "Nooooo!!!"

Present - The conversation

"I just wish that... I could've helped you.. I could've saved your memories." Sonic expressed, he was feeling a mix of emotions; Sadness, Anger, and Fear, all because of the same person he's been in love with since the day they fought together. "Sonic... I believe in you.. I know... You're strong enough to save everyone.. Please continue to do so." Sonic sat next to Shadow crying, suddenly Shadow fell to the ground. Sonic gasped in shock and pushed him on his back, he felt his heartbeat, it was normal. Sonic sighed and picked up Shadow whom was being carried to Sonic's room. Sonic laid Shadow down on his bed, Sonic sighed as he turned off the light and walked away. "Goodnight, Shadow." Sonic whispered.

Present Day - The Resistance Base

After Shadow passed out Sonic went to the medics to see if he could help Infinite. "Sir, I will have to ask you to leave." One of the medics said trying to push Sonic out the door. "No way! Not until I see how he's doing! I need to get info!" Sonic exclaimed. "He's stable, Sir, please." Sonic looked down at the floor dejected. "Fine, but give him a quick check up once you see him awake." Sonic said walking out of the med center and heading to his room. He saw Shadow still asleep in his bed, Sonic sighed as he took off his shoes and laid in bed with Shadow knowing that he could be punished for laying with him. He knows Shadow won't take things lightly, he snuggled up to Shadow aware of the consequences.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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