Chapter 1

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"Killua Freecss, right..?"
The woman was shifting papers at her desk, mindlessly sifting them between her fingers. Though she must have gotten some of the last names mixed up.

"..Killua Zoldyck, Miss Trinkle." Killua didn't bother looking up. He often found it hard to make eye contact.

"For now, atleast— pardon me, did you say your last name was Zoldyck?"

Ah yes, the Zoldyck family - A prestigious, wealthy household, known for their strict values and perfect work ethic. Apart from their perfect grades, they were also known for their spectacular fighting abilities, so no child with their last name was to be messed with.

"..Is there a problem?" It was a genuine question from the white haired boy, though it just ended up sounding more intimidating.

"N-No.. We're simply honoured to have such a prestigious student in our quarters. Your dorm is number 99, on the 3rd floor. Nice view up there. You'll be rooming with one of your male classmates."

The teacher seemed quite laid back, despite being the head. Maybe life here wouldn't be as strict as it was at home. The lady slid a pair of keys over her desk, and Killua took them as soon as they reached the other side.

"Alright, thanks." He got up from his seat and swung his bag back onto his shoulder, popping his collar as he left and ever so slightly untucking his shirt.. That made him look cooler, right?

The fact that he'd been heavily sheltered his entire life and had barely any interaction with other people his age outside of his family and their butlers was beginning to kick in.

On the flyer it mentioned that they'd have a day to get settled before lessons began. They'd then be expected to use that time to check out the school and get used to its layout.

The first place Killua decided to explore was the lunch hall. He opened the two doors and scanned the area, probably more cautiously than he needed to. It seemed to just be an ordinary cafeteria, with a place to grab food and a layout with square tables— and a vending machine!

"Yesyesyesyes..." The boy muttered, typing in the appropriate code, shoving in some change and watching the chocolate snack fall down through the slot. Perfect. The packet was opened within seconds of him snagging it and was quickly devoured. Killua was surprised they actually had Chocolate Robots at all.

"Do you mind..?"
A girl with blonde, curled hair stood behind him, pointing at the vending machine. He didn't realise he'd been blocking the way.

"O-Oh, sorry.."

As the girl was getting a bottle of water, Killua realised that was probably his cue to leave, so he quietly exited the cafeteria with not a single footstep to be heard.

He decided this time to actually check the map of the school that he'd been given in the leaflet instead of winging it from the one look he had that morning. He began to trace his finger along the railing, leading his way up the stairs. He made 3 rounds up the steps until his shoe landed on the 3rd floor area. Following the map, he opened the door which lead to a hallway.

"Finally.." Killua didn't often get tired due to the 'training' his family had given him, but stairs were his weakness. He took a moment to catch his breath before sucking it up and checking the different doors that were down the hall.


Killua stopped whispering numbers when his fingers hovered over the handle. He took a deep breath.

His first time in a school building. His first time even staying in a room with anyone else, other than his younger sister wanting to sleep over in his room on some odd days. This was new, sure, but Killua was willing to welcome it with open arms. Anything to be away from that stupid, controlling family of his.

At some point he had to stop hesitating. He wouldn't give himself time to conjure up random scenarios like he always tended to do in situations like these. What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't like him? It was pointless.
So he pushed down on the handle, and poked his head through the crack in the doorway.

What Killua was met with was the sight of a boy. He hummed a soft tune, though his hair was spiked, the ends tipped green; Killua wondered if the colour was natural. His skin shone gold in the light which crept though the curtain, highlighting his hazel-brown eyes and the few freckles which were scattered across his cheeks. He perked his head up having noticed the sound that the door had made despite Killua opening it as quiet as he could manage.

"Oh, hi!"

A simple sentence. Killua didn't know why it stunned him in his steps. Perhaps it was the tender joy of the boy's words, or the beaming smile he gave while saying them. Whichever it was, it caused his cheeks to dust rose against his will, despite the fact that the last thing he wanted was to come off as shy.

"..Hey." He slipped into the room, still propped up against the door when he entered. The boy with spiky hair patted the floor next to him, inviting the silver to sit. Killua first hung his bag on the nearby coat hanger, and while he was there he took his blazer off and folded it too. The other boy seemed to only be wearing his school shirt, though his wasn't long sleeved like Killua's. Killua made his way over, and sat down quietly next to the boy. He stopped packing for a minute and looked at Killua, smiling warmly.
Again, with that grin.. Killua forced his eyes to be directed anywhere other than the boy's face. Instead, his eyes turned to the bunk bed directly infront of them. If preferred, he'd like the lower bunk. It would probably help him feel less anxious, being in the shade. Having someone else in the room with him would probably help with his nightmares too- or atleast, he hoped it would.

"What's your name?" Killua turned back to the boy. He was still smiling.

"Killua. What about you?"

"I'm Gon!"

The two just.. stared at eachother for a moment. And this time, Killua smiled back. That was the first time he'd ever been properly introduced to a kid his age. And, if he was lucky, his first friend.

"..Can I have the lower bunk, by the way?" Killua asked tentatively.

"Oh, sure! I prefer the top bunk anyways, the sun is a good indicator of time." Gon finally finished packing and slid his suitcase over to the closet in the corner of the room, having organised most of his clothes out on the floor.

"Aren't you gonna unpack, Killua..?"

"Oh, uhh.. my dad didn't lend me any clothes. Said something about building character." Killua held his left arm with his other, nearly digging his fingers into it out of embarrassment. But Gon wasn't dissapointed.

"Then you can borrow some of mine! Though, my wardrobe isn't anything special either.." Gon rubbed the back of his head, nervously giggling.
Killua found it endearing. Killua found him endearing. Gon was so.. welcoming. A complete opposite to how closed off Killua was. He was so used to building walls, being told that friends weren't worth it, being told that his only purpose was being an underground, moneymaking machine. That anyone he dared to talk to was faking it. But presented with the boy infront of him, with a beaming smile and happy go lucky personality.. Killua had a feeling that wasn't the exact truth.

"That would be nice."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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