chapter 1

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Fingers gently ran through her strawberry hair as she slept. Eddie softly hummed a soft version of some metal band she didn’t know as he soothed her nerves.
Chrissy had no idea exactly what had happened but she remembered being in Eddie’s trailer and then the next moment she was falling on top of Eddie and the ceiling was covered in vines. Eddie had knocked into the radio turning it  on and the music blared had blared through the trailer.  He had held her face in his hands caressing her like she was glass.

They currently were hauled up in a cabin that was a friend of Eddie’s awaiting the call from a boy named Dustin. Chrissy had her head on a pillow next to Eddie’s leg and Eddie was gently stroking her hair. Chrissy looked up at the rings on his fingers. Carefully she took his hand in her smaller one and turned his hand over looking at the rings.
The town had believed he was holding Chrissy hostage or something which was ludicrous to her. Eddie was the sweetest, kindest man she had ever met. She couldn’t understand why they thought he was a monster.
“You have some calloused fingers, is that from playing guitar?” She asked looking up at his face. Eddie gave her his signature smile and nodded.

“Years of playing helped mould these babies into guitar playing masters.” He wiggled his fingers admiringly. She thought he was very talented if she remembered correctly.

“What about you? Has cheerleading toughened your hands?” he asked taking hold of her small hand and running the pad of his thumb over the soft skin. Chrissy giggled and turned onto her back.

“No, nothing like that. I do have high endurance though. Having to remember all the moves and choreography, it was hard at first but I worked hard. The extra cardio kept my mom happy with my weight.” She explained subconsciously pulling her shirt down. Eddie looked continued to play with her hair.

“Nah you’re perfect the way you are.” He replied softly.
Chrissy looked up at Eddie. This was Eddie Munson, Jason had always declared him a freak and loser. But Eddie was none of those things. He was kind, sweet, caring. Nothing like people said. He released her hand and gently stroked her cheek.

“You are something else Chrissy Cunningham.” He smiled again at her and she felt her heart speed up. What would he do if she leaned up towards him? She wondered. They held that gaze for a moment more, both wondering the same question but both too shy to act on it. 

The radio on the coffee table crackled to life and Eddie reached forward grabbing the device.
“Henderson you there?” He asked.
“Eddie can you hear me?” a voice replied.
“yeah loud and clear man. We’re here.” Eddie said.

Chrissy blinked and suddenly she was by herself.
She sat up.
“Eddie?!” she called. The Erie feeling from when she was in the trailer reappeared.  She let out a cry realizing she wasn’t alone and there was a ….person or thing standing in the shadows against the wall. The same person who she had seen in the bathroom the day prior.

“Eddie! Eddie!” she yelled running to the door. The door was bolted shut. No matter how hard she pulled it wouldn't budge. Chrissy began to panic and hit her fists on the wood paneling, clawing it and scraping her hands as she did.
“Eddie!” she screamed.

Eddie pressed the receiver.
“Say again Henderson you cut out there.” He said.
“Don’t……chrissy… fall asleep! Don’t let chrissy fall asleep!” He repeated. Eddie looked down at chrissy and dropped the walkie talkie. Her eyes were staring ahead like they had been back at the trailer.
“Shit. Chrissy? Chrissy wake up. Chrissy wake up now!” He said shaking her shoulders. She just stared ahead.
He grabbed the talkie and hit the receiver. “Somethings wrong she isn’t waking up she’s just staring.” He explained.
There was a commotion on the other line and Steve Harrington’s voice came through.
“You need to play music! Play something she likes!” He said.
“I’m a bit out of ideas here! Wait. Radio. Henderson I need you to put the walkie up to the radio and turn it to local hits now!” Eddie said.
Eddie kneeled next to the couch and put the walkie talkie by Chrissys ear.
“Please work.” He prayed.
The sound of a Madonna song came through the speaker.

Chrissy was crying she was scared.
The disfigured man held out his long crawl like hand and ran a nail down her face drawing blood.
She could hear the sound of music playing, she could hear Eddie’s voice telling her to wake up. She pulled on the door again and it opened and she ran through. Suddenly she blinked and sat forward her arms went around Eddie’s neck and the force sent him backwards onto the floor.

“Oh shit it worked!” He gasped holding her tight. It had worked. The music had woken her up.
“Eddie did it work! Is she ok?” Dustin’s voice came through.
Eddie reached out grasping for the walkie talkie and hit the receiver.

“It worked. She’s back.” He gasped dropping his arm to the floor. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head thanking a God that he didn’t even believe in.  He held her as she cried into his white hellfire club shirt.

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