The Tsukishimas' Middle Child

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A/N- It's been a while since I've watched Haikyuu admittedly and I know nothing about anything sports related so if the timeline is a bit wonky, it is not on purpose, I am just a silly gal who is bad at most things. Listen, you're reading a fanfiction where you and Kuroo fall in love, you can expend your imagination a Little Bit more just for these volleyball matches.

"Karasuno! Fight!" While everyone else's voices were booming with excitement, practically screaming for their favorite team, there was a voice among them that was flat and unimpressed. "Karasuno. Fight." Tsukishima (Y/n) was sitting next to her brother, Akiteru, who was nearly falling out of his seat cheering on their younger brother. (Y/n) is the middle child of the Tsukishima kids. She's a third year at Karasuno and never had interest in coming to these games until her little brother joined the team this year. Don't misjudge her face and voice, she's ecstatic that her brother is still playing volleyball with little Tadashi and is a regular on the court. She's extremely proud of him but everyone around her was completely embarrassing with how loud they were yelling, especially Akiteru. It was a pretty close match against Nekoma. (Y/n) knew the name well. There was always some weird rivalry between Karasuno and Nekoma that (Y/n) had caught wind of from her classmates. She never really paid it mind though because she sure wasn't gonna be going against any of their sports teams any time soon. 

Kuroo was sweating. Karasuno was giving them a run for their money and that made his face light up in a wicked smirk stretching from ear to ear. After another spike slammed down on their side of the court giving Karasuno the edge his eyes swooped over to the benches. He scanned the ones cheering for Karasuno. They definitely had fire lighting up their asses. All of them, except for one girl. Her face was stern, bored, as if waiting for it all to be over so she can leave and be literally anywhere else. Her eyes met his. Her eyes looked oddly familiar. "Kuroo." Kuroo's head snapped away. Kenma was standing beside him, eyes trained on Kuroo. "Focus." Was all he said. Kuroo gave a toothy grin in response. 

Admittedly, (Y/n) stopped paying attention near the end of the match. She stared off into space with the occasional unenthusiastic "Go Kei.". She would do anything for her little brother but she was having a hard time stopping the yawns that came out of her. Then, there was even louder more rambunctious cheering coming from around her. Everyone was standing up. She supposed she should stand up to. A quick glance at the scoreboard and a small smirk pulled at her lips. She knew her little brother would kick their asses. Akiteru was yelling and clapping while (Y/n) kept her small smirk and gave a light clap. Kei made eye contact with them and nodded. Akiteru beamed while (Y/n) nodded back. Kei definitely took more after (Y/n). Eventually the older Tsukishimas made it down to where Kei was.  "Kei! That was amazing!" Akiteru messed with Kei's hair. "Onii-san." Kei mumbled with a glare and pushed his brother's hand away. (Y/n) came over to Kei's other side. "Huh. Looks good on you, you should try that hair style more." (Y/n) joked while looking up at Kei. She heard a familiar giggle behind her. "Is that Tadashi-chan I hear?" (Y/n) smirked and put her hands on her hips as she turned to Tadashi who was giggling behind his hand. "Onee-san, Yamaguchi, who's side are you on?" Kei asked with a raised brow. 

After giving his team a pep talk and making sure they were all still confident and determined for future games, his eyes searched to find that mysterious girl again. He finally found her next to Tsukishima. Oh. That's why her eyes were so familiar. Kuroo's shit eating grin stretched over his face again. Who knew Tsukishima's sister would be such a smoke show. 

Karasuno left to get changed while (Y/n) got out her phone to scroll around while waiting for Kei to come back out. Akiteru was talking to some girl, (Y/n) preferred him preoccupied anyway. She was leaning against a wall completely relaxed until a hand settled next to her face, a muscular arm caging her in. Her eyes slowly trailed up to who she assumed was Nekoma's captain. "Can I help you?" She raised a brow and shoved her phone into her jacket's pocket. "Yeah, actually, I was hoping you could give me directions." His voice was really deep and his words seemed confident. "Okayyyy, where to?" She crossed her arms. "Directions to your heart." He practically purred. (Y/n)'s face dropped any emotions. "Really?" She asked, tone flat. The man chuckled and winked. "Maybe just a phone number then?" He asked. "Hmm, let me think about it." She placed a finger on her chin and made an overexaggerated thinking face. Then she kneed him in the gut. The wind knocked itself out of him and his arm dropped. He couldn't help but curl in on himself, holding his stomach. (Y/n) pushed herself off of the wall and turned to him. "Don't worry, where I hit you will only incapacitate you for just enough time for me to get away. Another inch and I could've had to wailing on the floor. You should be grateful." Kuroo caught a glimpse of her face. It was the widest smile he had seen from her since he met her. She turned away from him and made long strides away.

"You're such an idiot." "Oi! Kenma just help me out here!" "Maybe in a second." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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