First Dream

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     Well technically this one is more of a nightmare. It starts with someone or something telling me that have a purpose and that is to make sure no one looks at these eel like fish. The only problem is that the people are super curious and so it makes it much harder to protect the fish. I find this dream to be one of the weirdest dreams that I have ever had.
     Mainly because at some point in the dream I basically turn into a Chinese dragon. Now these eel like fish are absolute monsters, and what I mean by that is that they are completely white and have skull like faces, and if you look into their eyes you either die in what seems to be a standing position or you go to sleep like that.
     Now in like the middle part of this dream I meet another dragon except he has wings and I also meet this scientist who tries to persuade me to go into the water to find out where these eels are coming from. But I can just tell that the water is the last place I want to be. At some point in the dream my curiosity takes over and I dive in the water and suddenly feel the disturbance all over me. Like I've entered into the most dangerous place that I have ever been in. And this feeling was like a twisting in my stomach. Suddenly I hear a high pitches screaming coming from behind me and I get so scared that I turn around to see about 20 of the eels coming straight at me.
     My thoughts at that point were like that's it I'm done for this is how I die. Until I realize that nothings happening and the eels are still coming at me at full speed so i quickly fly myself out of the water and fling into the air. I fly so high by the time I'm up to where I feel safe I can see the curvature of whatever I was on. I knew it wasn't earth because the air felt different somehow. The biome that I was in this whole time was a forest and I was at its river.
     However, when I flew as high as I did I saw the river end at the ocean. I quickly flew there and noticed that there were no eels in this part of water and I never would come to understand that. But the feeling of safety that washed over me was so huge that I dived into that water and saw something else a statue of a God. And that's when I realized that I was dreaming and woke up.

Authors Note

    I hope that you have liked this dream of mine I thought that this one was so weird that I decided that I would share it. Though I'm not sure how many more of these weird ones that I will get I will try to share as many of my dreams as I can thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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