My Miserable Life

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A boy who was in the same class like you in 1st grade you thought you will never be friends with him. 4 years has passed you didn't like the boy you didn't wanted to be friends with him or have anything to do. 3 more years has passed you haven't heard from him and you thought"I will never ever gonna be friends with that kind of person". You come in 9th grade you get to know another boy from the class that the boy who was in same class with you in 1st grade. The boy who I met was named Andrej. He made me so happy because from 8th grade I didn't communicate with anyone from my class because from 3rd grade till 7th grade I was in a group with 5 girls and 1 boy. I was with them the whole time we were telling each other everything we were doing everything together but one day they just left me and never talked with me again, but when I met andrej everything changed. On the small breaks he will come to my classroom and cheer me up and talk to me or he will just laugh at something so he can make me laugh. He started to call me for to go out with him and he texted me every day. We were going out together, we would talk and walk for hours and it was fun. I liked when I was with him because he made me feel wanted and I didn't feel alone when he was with me. When I got to know him I saw that he was friends with the boy who I was in same class in 1st grade. He introduced me to his friend and we all became super close. Every day when I came to school I felt that someone wanted to be with be and talk to me and I liked that because I've never felt that feeling before from a guy especially. I started to go out with him and his friends and I became closer with the boy from 1st grade. His name was Ile. Like always I texted him first and started to joke around with him like always with everyone. From time to time I became really really close with him and started to text, send pics all day long and he called me every day and we would talk like for 2 to 3 hours and we will say to each other to say hello to our mom's. When we couldn't talk we would tell each other hey I can't send pic or text because I will go there and I wouldn't have Internet and kk when I come back I will text you back. This went for a long time. At school was very fun I ahd friends with who I can go with and talk with and everything I liked going to school. It came the last day, high school ended and I was with my friends all day long and made me so happy. I continued to go out with those friend we became super close we were like a group with 5 people and 2 kids who weren't rly close with us at the time. Because school ended every day we were outside. I had trouble with my best friends (2 girls who I was rly rly close we would sleep at each others places and everything like best friends) and I had depression because of them and Ile saw that I would cry everyday because of them and every day he would text me call me and say you will come out if you don't I will come to your home and whenever I don't come out he would call 1 friend or 2 and come to my home and say to come our or he will not go and I needed to say OK ill come every time because if I didn't he wouldnt move from my door and he will ring the doorbell and my mom would ask who is it and everything. That went on for a while.On 15 June it was our half prom. We went there and I had a lots of fun and we were talking, we were taking pics, having lots of fun, having lots of laughters and everything it was so fun and I didn't wanted the night to end because I didn't had so much fun time in a while.Tge night ended and we all posted pics from he night. The days were back to normal like before we will go outside every day have fun and yea. But one day Ile and Goce(one of the friends from the group (my crush)) they had an argument and didn't go out together. Ile was just sitting in the street where he live because he didn't wanted to sit with Goce and I would call him from time to time to come out and sit with me. He would  come but whenever Goce came he would go away and I was annoyed because I couldn't make a choice to leave 1.I would call Ile to come out but sometimes he would say that he's on street with his friends or he is somewhere or he can't because something is wrong. I didn't call him everyday but I did ones in a while because I would start to miss him and I wanted to be with him. One day it was PivoFest(a Macedonian holiday) and we went out and they invited me to go and I thought we would be 4 people but when I saw there were 5 people and one of them was Ile and I didn't know that he was gonna come or anything and I was shocked when I saw him that he was coming. We went at the center of the town and it was a fun day even tho I was the only girl it was fun I had fun. Ile and Goce didn't fought anymore and started to talk to each other and everything and outside I would see them go and everything. Andrej needed to go to filed to help his family and wasn't gonna come out for a long time. Ile started to go out with Goce and didn't call me or text me. I thought he was angry at me or something so I thought I will give him time and he will call me for to go outside with him. That didn't happen for a long time. While he didn't texted me or anything I was having trouble with my best friends, I had a fight with them and I started to have depression. Ile just didn't bothered to say something for that even tho I told him what was going on and he didn't even asked me to go outside with him so I don't be depressed. When I went out of depression I started to think about Ile what's going on with him a nd everything and I asked couple of friends so if I talk to him or not and they all said yes. So today on 8 August I texted him and asked him why he didn't go out with me anymore and he just said because I have a crush on a girl and all of my attention I am giving her because ei wanna be wwith her and I just said I have a crush on someone and I wanna be with him but I didn't leave you. And the conversation just went on and I told him what I was holding and he just said he didn't have nayhting to say. And what did I did? I cried for hours for someone who I thought that we wanted tto go out wiht me and talk with me and got all of my trust and worthy for to be broken in to a million of pieces even tho everything inside of me was already broken. I hope you don't ever experience this kind of pain like me beacus eif you did I am really sorry I hope you get to know friends that will love you so much and will never leave you.
And as for me I will never be the same I will never trust someone as I did him the boy who I would "never" be friends with.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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