Breaking part 2 ch 1

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"Breaking part 2 ch 1"
At Domingo/Erica-Erica was sitting on the couch with her great nephew Junior."Junior, Are you doing okay? "I miss mommy "Me too, ''You're mother loves you very much "As Desires came into the room."Good morning, Mother, Junior "Why don't you go in the kitchen? The cook made cookies "He left," Mother, Why is he still here" You're Aunt needs help with him, and Grayson out of town" Oh" You were right he isn't Grayson's son" Who's the father "Harrison "No, What is aunt Claire going to do? She going to get custody "That poor boy and Grayson Desiress, Forget about him" Yes mother "Desires left the room as Domingo came in," Domingo, You been quiet lately and I haven't heard from you're father, So what's going on" You're right something is going on, let's go to my office "Domingo and Erica went into the office as Desires wearing a sexy dress left."Sorry mother "

Domingo's office-Domingo and Erica were inside with the door closed."My father cause the accident, I was angry that Skye was hurt and I went to see him when Jackie was there" Why was Jackie" She was upset with my father it turned out that she was my mother "What! Yes my father took me from her, I was so upset that I killed him" In front of Jackie" Yes, She wouldn't tell anyone my mother "What do you want to do about it" I'm not sure, I always wonder who she was" Whatever you decide I'm here for you" Thank "

At Grayson's office- Grayson was drunk in his office sitting at his desk when Desiress came in she know he wasn't out of town," Grayson"  looked at Desires who was sexy."Desires, Why are you here "To see you, I know you would be here not out of town "I couldn't be with my son, I know he's not mine "I'm sorry that I was right "She lied to me! My brother is the father! She uses me! We should have been together "Grayson kissed Desires.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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