Chapter One

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Note: This is starting a moon after Squirrelpaw has left to make the journey to the sun drown place and making it so that Leafpaw first meets Mothwing after she leaves. Also I'm taking out the whole thing where Leafpaw is telepathically connected to her sister because the Erins legit just stop using it after the first two books because I guess it didn't matter that much and they forgot. It was only used for the plot when it was convenient.

Leafpaw stepped out into the camp clearing and was hit with the the glowing orange light of the setting sun. A small smile spread across her face as she stared up at the sky. The sunset had painted the sky with an array of colours.

"Leafpaw!" Mewed a voice from behind her.

She turned her head to see her mentor, Cinderpelt, standing before her. The dark grey she-cat seemed to have a stern look on her face. Leafpaw knew that she was about to be asked to do something, which was a shame because she was quite enjoying watching the sun disappear behind the trees.

"Yes Cinderpelt?" She replied. Leafpaw flicked her ear and stifled a small yawn.

"What are you doing just staring into space? I need help with arranging the herbs that we collected earlier today, the medicine den is in a state right now." Cinderpelt tutted. She hopped into the the rocky overhang that was the medicine den. Leafpaw pushed past the overgrown lichen and shook out her fur, sighing. She crouched down beside the mismatched bundle of herbs and began arranging them into more assorted and neater piles.
"Firestar said that you're allowed to come to the gathering tonight." Meowed Cinderpelt.
Leafpaw paused with sorting herbs. Her whiskers twitched slightly. Usually the gathering is something she would be buzzing about, but not this time. She masked her face with a fake smile and turned to her mentor.

"Oh... alright... cant wait." She tried to sound enthusiastic. She got up and stepped back from the herbs with a sigh.
Cinderpelt stopped what she was doing and narrowed her eyes at Leafpaw.

"What's wrong? Are you not excited about the gathering? Last time you were bouncing around the medicine den rearing to go." Cinderpelt tilted her head and placed her tail upon Leafpaw's shoulder. Leafpaw looked into her mentor's deep blue eyes and saw concern. She hesitated for a moment. Her ears lowered against her head.

"It's just... this time Squirrelpaw isn't going to be there and... I'm worried that I'll have no one to talk to. I mean, you'll be there... but it's just I do everything with my sister." Leafpaw huffed and lowered her head. Squirrelpaw had left to go on a journey with Brambleclaw a moon ago to seek out the Sun Drown place, along with Feathertail, Stormfur, Crowpaw and Tawnypelt. Although Squirrelpaw had promised she would come back Leafpaw couldn't help but to worry, and not to mention no one else knew where her sister actually went. The pressure had been put on Leafpaw to keep her mouth shut about the truth.  If the clan found out where her sister had really gone, they would most likely seek her out and ruin the mission. Leafpaw would also get a scolding or two for not telling her clanmates about it in the first place.
Cinderpelt opened her mouth to speak but paused. She shuffled her paws and her gaze glanced from place to place around the den. The grey she-cat sighed and crouched down beside Leafpaw.

"Listen... I'm sure that everything will be fine. The gathering is an opportunity for you to talk to cats from the other clans and make new friends. Last gathering you stuck by Squirrelpaw the whole time... and the gathering before that," The Medicine Cat reassured her. She gave her a few swift licks behind the ears "Why don't you try to actually socialise with cats other then the ones you already know? You might even end up making yourself a new friend."
Leafpaw remained silent for a few seconds and then sat up. She flicked her ears and looked up. Her amber eyes showed a glint of confidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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