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Colours filled Jelly's vision as they forced their way out of the egg they had been placed in. Or rather. . . born in?

The dog pushed away both the question and the egg shell and instead studied their surroundings, slowly beginning to bounce slightly to the beat of a nearby gramophone as they emerged from the egg. Jelly molds had been scattered across the foam puzzle floor, staining the colourful wall in places. A large tube sat at the back of the room- Jelly would have to investigate that later.

But being born was hungry work, so after stretching out their legs, they wobbled over to the closest jelly. It was green and smelled of lime- its consistency not far from Jelly's own sky-blue legs. They began taking bites, a disembodied hand appearing out of nowhere and petting them on the back. Despite the strangeness of it all, it made them happy. Who didn't like being pet? So with a couple of wags from their non-existent tail, Jelly went back to chowing down on nearly all of the lime jelly in the room


The strange shifting patterns of a simulated wall disoriented Burnt as he emerged from his egg. His legs felt strange underneath him- not quite solid. The room he stood in didn't help either. Along with the constantly moving lime green lines on the walls, the floor beneath him was cold and yellow. Various bright yellow objects lay around the room, such as a couple test tubes looming over the food dispenser or what looked to be an alien spaceship part sunken into the ground. A shiver echoed up through Burnt's jelly-like legs as he noticed a sectioned off part of the room- a colourful tube leading to somewhere Burnt would most likely never know lay behind tall walls of yellow steel.

Turning around, a large incubator towered over Burnt, causing dread to pile up in his stomach. Would he really have to live with that thing? Though the dog was quickly distracted by a gloved hand appearing in front of the dispenser. It changed the setting to a small, black object, before rapidly pressing the button. Charred dog biscuits spilled over the ground. Burnt recoiled at the smell as the hand shoved one in his face. Reluctantly he took it, shivering as its sharp edges slid down his throat.

The hand laid on his back, petting him as he continued to swallow the charred biscuit. That he could not stand. So dropping the half eaten biscuit and jumping away, tremors causing his entire body to shake, Burnt let out an ear-splitting bark.

The hand paused before disappearing.

Burnt's stomach gurgled slightly, which he reluctantly answered with a couple more bites of the putrid biscuits as the sickeningly yellow and green room shifted around him. 

A Tail of Two WobbledogsWhere stories live. Discover now