Chapter 1: Who's Ned?

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Gideon's P.O.V.

I went to sleep and to my surprise, I saw an odd blue triangle. "Hey kid, please don't make this hard *sigh* can we use your body in return for a lollipop?" "Heck no. Why are you here?" "Please don't make this hard what desire do you have?" "I've always wanted to know what's going on with Levitation Floats." "Can we use your body if we let you know what's up?" "Sure..." "Just shake my hand and you'll know." "Wait, what do you mean by we? And w-why is your hand covered in yellow fire?" "please kid, just shake my hand." "NO! I DON'T TRUST YOU!" "Kid, I don't want them to come and whack me again, trust me." *Cries* "no! I know you're bad!" Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up! "You can't wake up here kid, not until THEY say you can.
So please kid, for your own safety just  please, shake my hand." "O-okay." *WHOOSH* "happy to help!"

Whoa that was the craziest dream I've ever had. Wait what's happening aaghh! "Hey! Thanks for letting me use your body! Mwahahahahahaha! 
Hey polygon! I'm gonna have some fun with this! Mwahahahahahaha!
Welcome to the mindscape, star!"
"That guy w-was terrible. No! He's going to mess up my life!"

Pretty good tho guys.
More coming soon.
Ok by the way I know I'm completely off on the actual reverse falls but this is my thing not yours, if you want it better make your own. Too lazy to? I'm making a halfways original. Don't judge.

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