iii. the viscount i loathe

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chapter three: the viscount i loathe

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chapter three: the viscount i loathe

   Dearest reader,

   It has been said that competition is an opportunity for us to rise and stand ready before our greatest of challenges. Well, if what this author hears this morning is true, then a great challenge concerning this season's diamond has been set forth, indeed. Any suitor wishing to gain an audience with Miss Amelia Wentworth must first tame the rather adamant, strong willed woman known as her sister.

Of course, the only competition that compels my attention is the game of courtship. So best of luck to this year's players. Do try not to stumble on the starting line.

— Lady Whistledown

Charlotte Wentworth closed the double doors of the main study in complete satisfaction. Everything was going swimmingly—just as she had hoped for Amelia when it came to her season. Suitors from all over London were desperate for a mere meeting with the youngest Wentworth. Most importantly, suitors that did not sport the name Anthony Bridgerton.

   The eldest Wentworth sister took it upon herself to create a list of suitors she thought were more than worthy to meet her sister after a week of introductions and dancing since their arrival into English society.

   The hesitation and apprehension Lady Danbury expressed at the idea of Lord Bridgerton not being included was apparent to Charlotte and Daniel, completely going over Amelia's head. It was not that the youngest sibling was naive, it was pure bliss at the fact she was so desired. Amelia spent the better part of her life wanting what her sister had. The attention, the beauty, the charm. Now, it was up to her to live up to such a reputation. And she would be sure to make her siblings proud.

   Though the subtle sneaked glances between her older siblings were easy to spot. It was clear the two had a conversation of their own, whether it be the night before or a few nights before. And what the two conversed about, Amelia did not know, but she chose to ignore it. She had enough on her plate then to dwell on her older siblings being in a small scuffle.

Charlotte thought her and Daniel were in the clear. There was no way Amelia suspected anything of what they planned. It was simple: keep Anthony Bridgerton far away from Amelia by all means necessary. Charlotte did not care if the viscount was the most practical man to take her sister's hand when it came to status and title. The eldest Wentworth sister was only concerned for her sister's wellbeing and her future. That was all that mattered no matter how much stature came with being a viscountess.

The aftermath of Charlotte and Daniel's talk after the Queen's ball had no success or solution to come out of it. It would take a while to muster the amount of courage Charlotte would need to tell her sister the truth. Courage she did not possess at the moment, furthermore, she had no idea when she would ever gain it. Charlotte wished it was that simple to simply blurt it out but every time she had the chance, the words got stuck in her throat. And Daniel knew it would take time for his sister to gain what she lost because of William.

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