iv. a poetic gesture

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chapter 4: a poetic gesture

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chapter 4: a poetic gesture

   Humiliation. A feeling Charlotte Wentworth knew all too well. The aftermath of being tricked, made a fool of, the brunt of the joke. No matter how much of a brave, stoned face she tried to veil over her features, the feeling still managed to crack the solid exterior she had worked so hard to build. Though with all her experience, she should have seen something such as the scheme revolving her coming. She had let her guard down, something she vowed never to do again.

   Charlotte did not know what to expect from Lord Bridgerton anymore, and she did not know what else she could do to fend him off on his quest to court her sister. She had to admit, she quite enjoyed the spats between herself and the viscount, but never did she want to partake in an attempt to trick her into thinking a man was interested in her as a way to get closer to Amelia.

   Though she was grateful to have her brother stick by her and defend her, Charlotte inwardly scolded herself for curling into a defenseless ball instead of sticking up for herself when she needed to. It was as if she could not help her body and mind when it came to ways of protecting herself. Instead of verbally sticking up for herself, she clams up and lets someone else do it for her. Almost as if it was her body's way of waiting for the inevitable punch at any sight of strength.

Charlotte could still feel her body in such a defensive state as she sat across from her siblings later that day. Lady Danbury was out for the afternoon so aside from the occasional servant walking around the halls, the Wentworth's had the mansion to themselves for the time being. However, with such privacy, brought ear-splitting silence.

  Their gazes burned. While Charlotte's eyes were downcast, her siblings' were unwavering. Daniel barely blinked while he watched her pointedly, his leg crossed against his knee with his back resting on the couch almost casually. Amelia was watching her sister in worry and curiosity. She truly had no idea what was going on with her sister but her behavior was noticed enough to concern her.

   Amelia was also quite perturbed. She did not understand why her siblings, Charlotte in particular, were so adamant in keeping her away from Viscount Bridgerton when he seemed to be the perfect match for her. He was everything she and her family were looking for when it came to a suitor. Amelia just wanted answers and she was not sure if her sister was going to give them to her.

"Lottie," Amelia trailed uncomfortably due to the silence surrounding them, "we can't help you if you don't talk to us. Please, I'm getting worried."

   Charlotte had one of two choices to make: tell the truth or dismiss everything. Both would cause an uproar from both her siblings, however, she knew the former would be the biggest of the two storms clouding the three at the present moment. Something in Charlotte's gut told her to wait for a better moment to tell Amelia the truth. She would always go with her gut, simply because in the past, she did everything but.

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