Chapter 1

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It's my first day of grade 12... I'm still single and this year is my very last year. I'm kinda struggling in school with my grades as high as a 80 and lowest as a 50 which is pretty bad for me trying to get into the same university as my sister Sam. My friend Natalie,Lexi and Julia walk through the doors of Mayfield.

We each go to our lockers. Julia is locker 20, Victoria is locker 18, Natalie is locker 16 and I'm locker 24. I opened my locker for the first time this school year and tape a picture of my childhood friend Lexi and I hugging. Lexi moved away when I was 16. She moved to Mississauga, Ontario. I miss her so much everyday, and hopefully I will see her soon.

I'm walking towards my locker until I spot a new boy next to my locker. He's kinda cute if I say so myself. I'm guessing he's locker 25! That's perfect! He has dark hair beautiful eyes! It's just amazing until I hear the bell go and Victoria snaps her fingers in front of me.

I walk to the first class which was my weakness and my strainer... math. I walk to my desk and I see the new boy enter. My teacher introduces him.

"Ok class this is Trevor! He moved here from Kitchener! He will be in our class for today until the bell! Who would be a dear and show him around the school for us?" She asked.

I raised my hand.

"Okay Brittany you can show him around right now then back to work because you need to up your grades!" She said.

"Ok" I say. And yes my grades in this class is the highest of 74 and lowest 50.

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