This is a table x Reader fanfic what do you expect

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You knew it ever since you were litttle, it saw every bit of you.

The table.

It had been in your house for as long as you could remember and you didn't want to let it go! You still had so much stuff to tell it! Like how good Paw Patrol was or how your mom took away your favourite plushie to put it in the washing machine for one hour and you acquired trauma from it!

You were starting to hate the entire world.

Because the table was leaving. The weird dudes took it outside, leaving you alone in this now cold room, without your bestfriend. Wait, bestfriend? This didn't have a nice ring to you wanted to have more than that! Yet this couldn't happen if you didn't see it anymore...

So you ran for the first time, straight into the truck in which the table was and you told it, told it everything.
"I wanted to see you, Tab; I don't want to lose you. You know why? Because we're roommates in an historical way"

The doors of the truck closed

A/N: I feel drunk

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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