Jeez, Steve.

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"Oh my god, you totally cheated!"

"Did not!"

Robin and Vickie were bickering over who had won Monopoly while Steve was sitting arched back in a chair. Being the third wheel was never much fun. Sadly, it happened to Steve too many times more then his liking. 

"There is no possible way you beat me in Monopoly." Robin pouted and crossed her arms.

Vickie, being used to this, rolled her eyes and replied with; "I guess I'm just going to have to declare myself better at Robin at Monopoly." 

Robin, finally recovering from her loss, shouted out; "Not without me, you won't!" 

And now, for the second time this week, Steve had to sit there, slightly uncomfortable, as the two girls made out in front of him.

"Get a room, you two." Steve joked (not really).

Robin looked up at him, arms wrapped around Vickie's neck, and stuck her tongue out.

"Dingus, can you go get us some food at the new pizza place? I can't even read the sign. It's not like you're occupied." Robin smirked and added; "We want pepperoni." 

Vickie nodded in agreement and they promptly went back to what they were doing.

Steve sighed and got up reluctantly. Even though Robin was his best friend, sometimes she could really be a pain in the ass. Over the course of five months, he couldn't count how many single jokes she had made targeted at him. It was really starting to piss him off. Luckily, the pizza place was only a short walk away, so he could probably blow off some steam while walking there. 

Once he arrived, he was pretty calm. He saw the sign and mentally agreed with Robin that, yes, the sign was one of the hardest things he ever had to read. Pizza Palace? A Place for Pizza? He couldn't tell and couldn't care either. He just wanted to get in and get out. 

As he walked in, a bell rang and he could see that it was fairly empty, with a couple people scattered around. There was a specific worker who looked bored out of his mind, messing with his hair and scanning the building for something. He caught Steve's eye and seemed to be the only worker there besides a young lady who was on her phone, giggling. 

"Hi, I'd like to order a pepperoni pizza and a soda." Steve walked up to the cashier and waved, trying to appear as a charming individual.  The worker looked up and his posture straightened immediately, which Steve expected must be because he didn't want anybody seeing him slacking. Steve smiled because he didn't know what else to do, it was an awkward situation for him.

"Um, yeah, okay, that'll be $15.99." The worker said, seeming to finally find his voice. He wrote something on a small piece of paper, then crumpled it up and threw it away. Steve gave him the slightly run down bills. In return, he got a pepperoni pizza and soda that was too big for him to carry unless something would fall over. 

"Thanks!" He grunted, as he struggled to pick up the items. Hell, how big is this pizza? He thought to himself. 

"Do you need any help with that?" The worker reluctantly offered. Also reluctant to agree, Steve nodded slowly and the worker hurriedly picked up the pizza box, almost overwhelming him.

"Jesus, these pizza's are huge, aren't they?" He grumbled. Steve snickered and replied; "Apparently so. And judging by my best friend's appetite, I'm going to be coming by a lot more often." The worker groaned and automatically apologized. "I didn't mean that to be targeted at you! It's just that I have to work overtime because of an.. incident that I caused. So I guess I'm going to be helping you deliver a lot of pizzas." 

"You don't need to help me with the pizzas, y'know." Steve said, confused and, he hated to admit it, flattered. The worker flushed and explained; "Uh, I mean, I don't have anything important to do so.. why not just help somebody out?"  Steve figured they would be seeing each other for a little while, so why not make friends?

"I'm Steve. Steve Harrington." He said as he looked over to the worker.

"I'm Eddie. Munson." He responded; "The last name fits you surprisingly well." He looked up specifically to Steve's hair. Steve cackled and fluffed up his hair so it looked "ruined", which got him a giggle from Eddie. 

It felt good to have somebody laugh at something he did, but not because he was messing up or because of something embarrassing. 

"Looks like we're here." Steve said as he stared at the house in slight disappointment, to his surprise. 

"Guess so. Can you handle this?" Eddie mocked. Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Unfortunately for you, I can. I can just easily call my friends over to help, or they could just eat it here." 

Eddie set the pizza box down and turned around to leave, but not before saying goodbye in a terribly stressed out pizza boy way.

"See ya, Harrington. I doubt you're just coming for the pizza after you saw this." He motioned to himself. 

Steve smirked and tried his best to contain his laughter. Instead, he waved and entertained himself at watching Eddie's ponytail swing back and forth.

"Robin! Vickie! I'm back with your stupid pizza!" He yelled out, hoping they would hear him from the back porch. And equally hoping they would be finished with their make out session by now, but that was hard to determine.

After what felt like two hours, they rushed out, almost tripping over each other. Lipstick smeared all over her face, Robin tried to pick up the pizza box, and very obviously failed. She overall gave up and just sat and ate from the box right there on the sidewalk.

"Steve, you took the longest time getting the pizza. It's right there! You took almost thirty minutes! That's way to long for me. And Vickie." Robin accused, and tried to add Vickie on to the reason she was annoyed as to not seem selfish. 

Vickie rolled her eyes and nodded, just wanting to eat her damn pizza.

"Jeez, Steve, you look as red as a tomato. Meet a cute girl or something?" Vickie said, smirking.

He did? He put his hand up to his forehead and was indeed burning. He brushed it off as the heat. "Probably just the heat. It's not that deep, Vickie." He swatted his hand at her playfully and began to eat the pizza himself, brushing off the events of that day.

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