1: past the Wall of willows

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You never know unless you try. Some famous quote someone had put on Maka ' s bedroom wall two years ago and she never bothered to take it down. It bothered her, like she was next to someone who wouldn't shut up at a movie theater. But she learned to live with it. This is the only thing that was pushing her to go through the thick, tall, and droopy wall of willow trees.

Her bare feet were aching after chasing the strange animal that lead her here. That lead her to this strange unfamiliar forest. But then again everything was unfamiliar when you hardly ever leave the city. Moving out into the woods with her mother was strange. Very strange. Her mother rarely made contact with her let alone called her. She imagined her mother a tall willowly figure with toffee skin and long dark hair. Her mother was beautiful and magestic. But unlike her mother Maka was plain. Brown eyes; not green like her mothers. She had darker skin then her mother's but had the same chestnut brown hair.

Where were you Born? Maka had asked her mother one day when her mother and her were walking to the farmers market. A far away place that I cannot name. That's what Maka's mom said.Maka sighed as she pushed the wavering leaves out of the way as she continued to move forward. It was like as soon as she entered a door closed. She was surrounded by trees. She wanted to turn around but couldn't, the tree she just came through was blocked by a giant boulder that wasn't there as she entered. Sighing she moved forward now hopefully the strange red animal would come blurring around her leading her out. And on cue the blur of red and white came by but stopped as it finally noticed her. "Oh, good I was hoping you could help me?" Maka started but the red creature took off in front of her. Maka chased after it hitting a few branches on the way she finally saw a clearing. And the Crimson animal hopped over a small rock before going through the hole of bright light.

Maka covered her eyes due to the brightness before she saw the creature clearly for the first time and it was posed in the strangest way. Like one of those ancient Greece statues that were always naked. It was a fox but a deep rich colored red fox. "What the- Maka was cut off by the beautiful woman who stood over the fox shining with radiance of red. Red. All red nothing but red really. She had brown hair though. "Hello." She waved her red jeweled encrusted nails. "Hi? " Maka says back unsure. She smiles at Maka gingerly. "Can you help me?" she finally ask after realizing that she wasn't going to reply back if she didn't speak. "What is it?" She finally answers. "I don't know how to get back?" The red woman laughed at Maka almost mockingly. "Silly you cannot leave Mauriansla after you come unless your a fox, of course." The red woman felt sympathy for the sad little girl who wished to leave through the wall. "What's your name, dear?" The red woman asked adjusting her corset. "Maka." The dark haired girl amswered. "I'm The Red queen but you can call me Ruby if you like," the red queen introduced and picked up the ruby fox who was now on all fours. "Come with me I'm sure you can stay with me until we figure something out?"

Maka walked on a red path following the red queen. This was like the yellow brick road except maybe it was red. The queen didn't seem to care that her dress was getting mud all over it and that the little girl behind her was getting hungry. "Well Maka welcome to my or The Red kingdom! " squealed Ruby as the glittering red gates squeaked open gracefully.

As they opened Maka's plain green skirt and white shirt transformed into a slim red dress that shimmered in the golden light. It was fancy. Maka liked fancy. The hem dropped to the floor and had a train and hugged to her forming curves and her pinned up hair had fallen to her shoulders. The neck line of her dress stopped below her collarbone and had puffy sleeves like a princess. Maka continued through the gates and enter the castle. Red and gold columns held up the large balcony above the castle doors which were also red. "I see why your called the Red queen." Said the awed dark skinned girl. "Red suits you." Said the red queen as she finally looked at the girl. As she had gotten a look at the girl, the girl was looking at her.
The red queen wore a long layered Crimson dress with a blood colored corset with cap sleeves wearing a silver crown with ruby's embedded in it. The queen lifted it off her head for a second before placing it on Maka's dark hair. Maka liked the feel of it but felt this crown didn't belong on her head. Maka's head began to throb with pain when she wore this crown. "Ow!" Maka yowled almost as if she were a cat. "Here." The red queen lifted the crown off again and placed it back on her head. "Hmmph, it usually doesn't do that unless your a princess of another kind?" Queried the ruby queen. "There are other kingdoms?" Asked Maka as she rubbed her head. "Why yes I'm only one of three, there is four kingdoms but that kingdom I shall not speak of." The red queen took the little girl's hand and lead her to a giant room. A room full of maids and servants. "These are my loyal and humble warriors who occasionally clean for me," she giggled covering her mouth a little. They all looked up happily almost in a daze at first until one broke the weird aura. "We have a guest your majesty?" Said a thin boy only a little older then Maka.

The queen nodded joyfully and spun the boy around. "This place is clean enough Titus your dismissed, but lead Ms. Maka to her room." The queen ordered and the pale freckled boy lead Maka back out the red room and into an even redder hallway. He wore a red tux and had black hair but strangely enough looked good in it. "So do you like her?" Maka finally asked this Titus boy. Titus stopped and smiled at her his eyes were not in a daze like before. "She's a really a beautiful person, she cares for us but never tick her off. That's all I shall tell you." Titus became silent again and continued to take Maka down the hall until there was only three doors. Two grand doors at the end of the hall, and two single doors opposite of each other. "That one to your right is yours." He says in monotone and then turns back around leaving Maka by herself.

Thanks for reading let me know if I should post the other chapters and prologue I have them sitting here. And This hasn't been edited and I just wanna see if people like it enough for me to keep writing on it I actually have a whole bunch of fan fiction and stuff just sitting around on different accounts. I think I made this back in like 2015, well anyway leave a vote or like or something I forget how Wattpad works it's like's right? Idk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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