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(In this jacks more possessive because why not, sfw also)
Waking up
Waking up mc is met with the sounds of birds and soft rays of light shining down upon a sleepy jack. His soft tuffs of hair showing bright blue drifting in front of his face. Mc chuckles softly and brushes jacks hair out of his face to reveal his sweet smile curling at they're touch.

Fast forward to breakfast
Grabbing a box of cereal and heading to the couch they whip out their phone to text their new friend. They met them a few days ago but being one of the few contacts in their phone it's been constant texting back and fourth. Jack was starting to get jealous 'They've been texting them a lot lately..' they plop down on the couch, making the couch spring as they sit down. Smiling at a funny meme being sent and responding with one back. The afternoon seeped in and added a comforting warmth behind them but was interrupted by a threatening shadow. Looking up curiosly was jack looming over with a seemingly forced smile and focused eyes. His hands tucked behind his back.
"uh hi jack..whaaats up?" jack swung down and  plucked their phone away from their hands walking to their side "sunshine I don't like you spending so much time online, it's bad for you and you know I only want the best for you.." his voice seemingly cheery but was firm and intimidating,Hiding the phone in his belt after turning notifications off.
"but jack-" they're cut off by jack picking them up and moving them onto his lap for a hug. Firmly cuddling them in an almost protective hold. Although they've done this before it still gives them butterflies every time. He's warm and comforting, an instant silencer to any thoughts or worrys."..maybe for a little bit.." they sink into the hug deeper and jack responds by moving his hands through their hair, combing through it and fully relaxing them. They burrow their head into his neck and wrap their arms around him to better hold. He's pleased knowing he has them all to himself right now.

Hours later

'Light petting on my head nudges me awake but i don't think I can bring myself to open my eyes, and I don't want to. I know jack is here and will protect me, his hold still comforting and warm.' I was now resting on his chest and laying on top of him.
I heard light whispers from jack as he's stroking my hair. "Sunshine..why can't you just pay attention to me?" "I'm better than them." "I am not enough?" It takes me a minute to realize what he's talking about, I wanted to speak out but I felt like I shouldn't. I kept my eyes shut and he begun to twirl my hair, as good as it feels I think he enjoys it more. Maybe another hour goes by with the quiet ambience of an occasional car going by and the air conditioner humming. Jack had stopped petting me awhile ago and was resting his hand on my head. Peeking I see he fell asleep like I had. His face is adorable and my heart melts, he looks so peaceful and happy like he's right where he wants to be. After a few minutes of admiring him I remember my phone. moving my fingers around carefully to find it on him but not wake him up. I find it and realize he had turned it off and I had several messages from friend. They were confused how I left mid conversation when I was making plans to hangout. Texting back, they told me they were at a cafe close by and I glanced by at jack to see if he was still asleep. I figured I could slink out and be back in time for him to wake up, I couldn't wake him up anyhow. Besides I could just leave a note on the front door so he won't be confused when he wakes up. I carefully and slowly move off of jack and creep towards the kitchen/front door. Grabbing a pen and sticky note a quickly write 'Hey jack, I'm going to be hanging out with a friend today. I'll be back around 8-9. Stay home until then but feel free to do whatever!' checking myself in the mirror and fixing my hair I was ready.

Jacks pov
I woke up alone. I blinked awake after not feeling them anymore 'where did they go?' I wasn't worried yet because they might just be in the bathroom. "..Sunshine?"'No.. their phone.. I don't have it anymore' patting myself down and standing up. Checking the bathroom but there wasn't a trace.. ' my heartbeat rose and I began to sweat realizeing they weren't in the bedroom either and they had taken their phone. "SUNSHINE?" I walked faster to the kitchen, it being my last hope. Flashing my eyes darting every corner I found nothing. Then my eyes caught glimpse of a yellow sticky note connected to the front door. Reading it my hands began to shake. 'I'm alone..' my breath got heavy and i fell to floor on my knees reading the note over and over. Realizing they left me. 9.. and it was currently 6:13. Three hours. 'I-I don't even know where they are. They could be in trouble and I couldn't protect them. My vision blurred as I started having flashbacks. I was so desperate to have them back, to not be alone. I needed them. Why did they leave?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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