Peppermint Date

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Sam stood in front of a mirror putting together his bow tie, which was red just like his hat. He picks up a small bottle of aftershave and shakes a little into his palm. He runs his hands together and pats his cheeks. It only burned for a second, so no need to scream out. Especially since his mother was sitting at the table right behind him.

"You feeling good tonight, Sam?", she asked.

"Yep", he replied, standing proudly in front of the mirror.

"Now, you have everything you need, correct?"

"'Course I do. Got the reservations ready and Gluntz's present right there." He points to a small velvet box that contained a gold necklace that Pam helped him buy and engrave, tied in a nice white bow. "I want this date to be perfect."

"I know it will be", Pam assured him. She gets up, walks over to Sam and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Sam, you look snazzy."

"Thanks, Mom." He hugs her briefly and then says. "We'll, I gotta go. Can't be late." He grabs the present and begins to head out.

"Have fun tonight!", Pam said.


Sam pulled up to Gluntz's house and knocked on her door. When she answered, Sam was surprised by Gluntz's new look. In place of her vest, she had on a mint green and lilac purple tunic sweater, white gloves instead of her usual dark blue ones and, since it'd be kind of distracting, she didn't wear her big hat but instead she wore her beret.

"Gluntz, you look beautiful", Sam said to her. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, Sam", she replied with a warm smile. "What's that there?", she asked, pointing to the velvet box.

"You'll see at dinner", he promised. "Got a good day planned for you."

"I'm excited!"


The two drove to Chez Geisel in Upper Yipville. This time, the fountain in the courtyard had red and green lights complimenting it due to Christmas being right around the corner.

"Good to be back here", Gluntz said.

"I knew it would be", Sam responded. They walked in, told the hostess the reservation name (which was Sam again) and were given a table on the second floor again.

"You know what you're getting this time?", Sam asked.

"I think this time I'll try the Thneedle Thnoup. I hear it's really good for you."

"Thneedle Thnoup? Never had that before. I wonder..."

Then their waiter came over. "Hey, you two."

"Hi, Bartholomew", Gluntz said, this time much happier to see him.

"Hey, man!", Sam exclaimed.

"Did you two decide on what you're having?" Bartholomew prepared his notepad and pen.

"We'll both be having Thneedle Thnoup", Sam told him. "Also, a bottle of Fizzy Pop, too."

"Oh? What's the occasion?"

"It's my birthday", Gluntz explained.

"Really? Happy birthday!"


Bartholomew writes this down. "Okay. I'll be back with your orders soon. As well as a little something for the birthday girl."

Gluntz blushes.

After he left, Sam leaned forward and said, "You two seem to be on the right path."

"Yeah. Guess we've really buried the hatchet."

Peppermint DateWhere stories live. Discover now