chapter 1 the begining

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In one kingdom there was a girl named anna with her mother and father one day she went outside for the first time and saw a a homeless boy she tried to go to him but the guard stop her from going to him .

The next day
She went outside again and she saw the homeless boy thats she saw yesterday and she said
Anna: hi im anna whats your name?

The boy said
Boy:u-h hello your highness
Anna:you dont have to call me that you can just call me anna
Boy: ok your highness i-i mean anna
Anna: i didnt get your name yet
Boy:oh my names devon
Anna: nice to meet you devon

That day was the best day of anna as she made her first ever friend until.... She grew up

Couple years later

Anna:father who is this?
King: oh i forgot this is prince lee from shenhe kingdom
King: you will get married to him soon

Anna was shocked by her fathers saying

Anna:what!! Marry him.theres is no way im marrying a guy that i do not know father
King:you have nothing to do about it anna we already signed a marriage contract for you guys to be married toghether

Anna runs to her room upset thinking about her future

Couple hours later

Devon:anna are you ok?
You seem upset
Anna:im sorry devon but i have to tell you something
Devon:what thing?
Devon:i what?
Anna: im going to get married to a prince from shenhe kingdom!!!
Devon: you are what?!
Anna: im sorry devon theres no choice i might have to breal our promise when we where. Young

Devon gets sad and a lil upset as he finds out the girl he loves is getting married to a prince from
Shenhe kingdom

Anna:im really sorry devon
Devon: its fine no need to day sorry atleast you have a rich and handsome prince to get married to right?
Anna: but he isnt the boy i love devon its you
Devon: you love me?
Anna:isnt it obviouse
Devon:i had a crush on you to anna

As they continue to have a conversation prince lee showed up

Prince lee: princess we shall go get preapeard for our wedding tommorow
Anna:i am not going to get married to you
Lee:you have no choice but to marry our parents already signed a contract

Anna was angry and head inside the castle as lee talked to devon

Devon: what do you want
Lee: easy i want you to stay away from anna
Devon:you cant do that im anna's bestfriend
Lee: wanna hear a secret?
Devon:what is it
Lee: anna told me she didnt liked you she was just faking it for you to expect that she liked you but really she hates you

Devon was shocked about what lee said about him
Devon: she said that?!
Lee: she did so stay away from her if you dont ill make sure to get you executed

Devon runs away crying for after what he heard

Next day

Anna tried to find devon and she found her and anna was upset what devon
Said to her

Devon:go away anna if your just here to say you love me im not beleiveing you
Devon:lee told me you just hated me and faked everything you said about me
Anna:wait devon are you really gonna beleive him over me your own bestfriend
Devon:im sorry now im going to take this food for my family wil you excuse me

Anna cried and talked to lee
Anna: what did you say to him
Lee:listen here i just had to tell the truth to him
Anna:non of those things are true

*Lee laughs*
Lee:oh darling cant you see
I needed him to stay away from you for you to be with me always
Anna:i want you to say to him non of those things are true
Lee:ok my answer
Anna:say it!
Lee:you cant force me darling

The next day (wedding day)

Anna and lee gets married toghether as anna was not happy after they got matried she had to move to lees kingdom far away from devon anna went to go get her stuff in the closet
As she saw something weird on her closet wall
She notices that it was shaped like a wall and there was a keyhole on the wall she finds the key and went inside there saw saw a red beautiful dress and a note she started opening the note as her father told her to come to him fast and she grabbed the red dress and the note with her

Next day(on shenhe kingdom)
Lee: good morning darling
Anna:do not call me darling
Lee:why not your my wife after all
Anna:dont forget it lee i dont like you that dosent mean im your wife i like you already

*Lee chuckels*
Anna: stop laughing you moron
Lee:pretty strong words there mlady
Lee:by the way my cousin is coming here with her husbadn so look good
Anna:look good wdym look good
Lee:like wear what a princess shpuld wear no that old crappy shirt you wear

Couple hours later
Lee:hello there dear cousin
Devy:hello there
Lee:this is my wife princess anna
Devy:well hello there anna
Anna:uh-h hello
Devy pov:she looks uncofortable i should talk to her
Devy:hey anna we should get to know eachohter
Lee:thats a perfect idea cous

Devy and anna went to the room and talked

Devy:hey arw you ok you looked uncomfortable there
Anna:oh sorry i just dont like this dress lee made me where it
Devy:well we should change your clothes to a cofortable one

Dwcy changed annas clothes to a comfortable clothing and started to get to know eachother

Anna:so where are your parents?
Devy:oh they left me for adoption
Anna:oh im sorry to hear that
Devy:no its fine
Anna:why did they put you up for adoption?
Devy:my mom was having a hard time with my dad i had a little sister my mom said but i didnt get to know her tho my mom said my little sister was with my dad until now and me and my mom luved toghether until my mom got sentwnced to kill by my own dad my dad after that death i got mad at my dad and my dad slapped me in my face and set me up for adoption i was really sad until i got adopted by a king and queen

Anna was shocked after hearing devy's story
Devy:how bout you anna?
Anna:oh well my mother died to i dont know what cause of my dad said that my mom was dead beacause of illnes she had
My mon also told me that i have a big sistet i never got to see her i still live with my dad until i grew up and got marrid with lee wich i dont even like him his always so demanding i have this boy that i liked from my fathers kingdom but we never talked again because of what lee said to him
Devy:i wish you could meet your big sis and your lover

While anna and devy continued to talk about their life until one night
Anna decided to open her note and anna vant beleive what was written in the note.....

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