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I always find it difficult to fall asleep lately. I do not know why but recently I have been having the worst insomnia of my life. No matter how hard I try I can't help but stay awake.
I haven't slept in three days.
It feels like an eternity.
Noting works to get me to sleep, nothing. I just lay in my bed, afraid to close my eyes. Afraid to move.
I can't even remember the last dream I had. I vaguely remember a strange figure chasing me. That might be why I can't fall back asleep.
That is why.
I haven't slept in five days.
The room is becoming smaller as the days pass by. Has it been five days or less or more or am I even awake? I don't know anymore.
But that figure, that thing.
I keep seeing it at the corner of my eye the more I stay awake.
It is nightfall and the world is quiet. The sky is an endless void of nothingness.
I can hear it.
The thing.
The figure.
It creeps into my room, arms twisted, its body contorted beyond recognition. It crawls on all fours, hiding its face behind its pale white hair like the veil of a bride. The malnourished gray creature moved slowly towards me as I stared in horror, I hoped I was dreaming.
But this was real.
The monster grabbed me by my leg as it hoisted itself above me, glaring down at me with soulless hollow eyes. It gave me a crooked smile, whispering a single hiss.
I was petrified, I felt I was going to die.
The creature opened its jaw wide, hissing eerily as the saliva dripped over my face. I could not move. I was going to die.

A loud caw echoed in my ears.
A murder of crows surrounded me as I awoke.
It was a dream.
I found myself in a vacant field, far away from civilization. I stood from the ground, and was horrified at what I witnessed.
All over my body and covering my hands.
They were stained with mud as well.
But I was not hurt, no this blood wasn't mine.
I turned around and saw a hollow grave, a bloody leg peeking out of the ground. The lifeless body was not completely buried.
I walked up to the body.

It was the figure from my dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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