HATRED - The Summary

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I wrote this one last year, basically when I was in my super edgy dark fantasy with lots of gore fanatic era lmao.

Warning! Cringe and probably plot holes!

From a world where demons exist, a human boy was so-not-peacefully living his life in a very poor village with his family and friends. Demons came to attack the said village, he was the only survivor asides from his two friends who got kidnapped by the demons to become a plaything for their 'beloved' third prince, he was saved by some rescuers and was set to live in an underground orphanage to keep away from the demons' sight.

The boy trained for years with his rescuer before setting off to his journey to save his friends before it was too late. He tried his best to blend in with the demons from the very kingdom that attacked them. He felt burning hatred towards all of them for murdering his beloved family and home.

He encountered the third prince, the prince became interested in him and took him in as his playmate. The boy lived with him for a few years before deciding that he is now deemed strong and knowledgeable enough to set out his plan to save his friends.

Unfortunately though, his friends were long dead the moment he stepped in the demon kingdom due to a mere coincidence, the demon prince supposedly got bored of them and killed them. However, the prince took a liking to the human boy and deemed him as family, and that he couldn't bear to keep the truth from him forever. This raged the boy.

Again, coincidentally, the boy had a brooch gifted by his father which was actually a very rare artifact, his desire for revenge was so strong that the brooch gave in almost immediately. He massacred almost the entire royal members and staff of the kingdom with the third prince as an escapee with the help of the remaining servants.

The boy then ran away and took a rest from the slaughter. He then came across a very loud and eccentric village, all of the villagers were completely different from the usual people he's known from his childhood. They were supposedly aquatinted with some of the demons from a demon kingdom, claiming that not all demons are bad, he thought the whole thing was ridiculous and left after a few weeks of staying, completely confused of why the village seemed to deeply attached to him after just a few weeks. He then went off to a far land.

Unsure of what to do now, he wasn't quite satisfied with his life, he's lost all people dear to him. He decided he would commit suicide after he killed the third prince.

To lure the prince's attention, he started to massacre the weakest one of the four demon kingdom's assets, the royalties, servants, villagers, etc. He was ruthless, after such an incident, the demons were on high alert and decided to team up the two remaining kingdoms and discover who the culprit was behind this. They were also still yet to find the missing third prince of the second most powerful kingdom as they heard of the great power he held.

The humans had heard of these news and started worshipping whoever massacred the demons, whearas the others curse him for doing such a terrible thing, namely, that eccentric village the human boy encountered. The weak kingdom whom he massacred consisted of the villagers' friends. He felt guilty of such a thing as it weights down in his shoulders.

The humans decided to attack some of demons due to their so-called evil deeds. The demon royals then stated that the humans were behind this and declared a war. Now with the slaugthers, the demons were greatly outnumbered, they did not notice the humans who expertly hide from plain sight such as underground or from the farlands.

The humans produced weapons that could kill the demons from observing them. The war continued for a long time, a lot of lives were taken away just from a simple attack towards a poor, lowlife village.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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