1 | Prologue

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It was supposed to be just a simple friend's meeting. It definitely went the wrong way, but let's begin from the start.

"Hey! I have a totally cool idea for the weekend!" Poland yelled, as he always does, even though it's not always needed. He was in a room with three different people, known as Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary. They were known as Visegrad Group, or V4 for short, and they were just finishing their little meeting.
"You don't need to yell, it's a small room. We would hear even if you were whispering. Though I doubt that you're capable of it…" Slovakia said calmly, but there was no seriousness in his voice. He and Poland are actually good buddies and they often hang out together. On the other side of the room were sitting Czechia and Hungary. Even though they were both girls, they weren't quite getting along as boys do. Both Verushka and Erzsébet often compete on different things. But also they both get along with Poland, and Czechia specifically with Slovakia. That's mostly the reason why they're still in the group.
"I wanna go home already, could you say that idea faster?" Czechia looked kinda irritated, but where was a moment when she wasn't?
"Yeah yeah, sure. So I was thinking about a totally cool picnic at my place!" Poland announced with a cheerful voice.
"And breathe that smog again? No thanks."
"Ughh, I won't drag you to Cracow again!! I know a cooler place!"
"You really found a cooler place than your 'hot old capital'!?" Slovakia exclaimed, surprised. Poland just gave him a smirk.
"The only place better than my Hot Old Capital is my current capital! But I will consider the picnic place as cooler considering your requirements." He said, still smirking. The others looked at him suspiciously, but didn't actually say anything.
"I'll take that as yes, so settled! Sunday, at 1PM! We're gonna meet here and I'm gonna take you to that place!" And that's how the meeting ended.
Sunday came faster than everyone expected. It's not like someone was complaining, they all were curious what place Poland found.
"Where is he!? He's already 20 minutes late." Czechia said irritated. In fact, she was right. The rest of V4 were sitting in the small room again, waiting for their friend. Hungary and Czechia were sending glares at each other, and Slovakia was just standing quietly near wall, not wanting to get involved into silent battle. After some more minutes, they finally heard knocking and all of them looked at Poland angrily.
"Care to explain what took you so long?" Slovakia said, actually feeling relieved that he's not alone with girls anymore.
"Ah yes, my train was late again, I would've been totally 30 minutes earlier if not for this! An hour of delay is actually the norm at this point for me." He said, scratching the back of his neck. Hungary sighed and just put a hand on his shoulder.
"Well, you're here now, would you show us that 'cool place' of yours?" She said, still discreetly glaring at Czechia. Poland nodded and showed to follow him. They all did so, it's not like they had something else to do now.
Poland wanted to be the driver, but since no one trusted him enough to do so, instead, Slovakia took this place while he was giving him directions. The road was from Bratislava to a mysterious place in Poland, and Josef, as personification of Slovakia, knows all the roads in Slovakia, so he happily took up this challenge.
A little less than 3 hours had passed, before Poland announced that they were almost there.
"Well? Will we get to know what this place is even called?" Czechia said, not angry at Poland, but at Hungary, next to which she was forced to sit in the backseat of the car.
"Wait a moment… Ok, we're finally there! Welcome to totally cool Koniaków!" Poland, of course, yelled.
"We need to park somewhere here, we continue on foot." He added after a minute. Some time had passed, and they were halfway done, at least that's what Poland said. Slovakia groaned.
"Are we climbing a fucking mountain!?"
"Indeed, we totally are!" Poland replied, cheerful as always. Groaning just grew louder, but they all kept walking.


"So? Do you like it?" Poland asked with hope and excitement in his eyes.
"I suppose it's nice, what's this mountain called?" Hungary said, smiling.
"Oh, it's Ochodzita! I knew you would totally like this." He replied, smirking. All four were now enjoying their little dishes they brought with themselves. Czechia had some bramborákys, Slovakia had pagáče, Hungary - lángos, and Poland brought his favorite pyzy. Even though Czechia and Hungary still had some problems, they all were enjoying their little picnic at the top of the mountain, with a beautiful view of the little town down. That was until a specific topic started.
"Hey, did I already mention that I have a very interesting history?" Hungary started.
"Haha, I totally don't think so!" Poland yelled, nudging her arm with his elbow.
"It is definitely me with the most interesting history then!" Slovakia exclaimed.
"I think you're joking. You weren't even a country, along with Czechia, till my divorce with Austria." Hungary said, still smiling.
"But remember when I kicked Russia's ass back in 1920? If not me, the whole Europe would be communist by now!" Poland said, in the middle of an argument between Czechia and Hungary.
"Yea, but you still managed to become communist after WW2." Slovakia laughed nervously, thanks to the argument next to them.
"And you didn't?" Slovakia jokingly took offense at Poland's response.
"Hey! Be quiet for a while!" Hungary whisper-yelled. Czechia wanted to yell at her again for 'shutting her up' but then she also looked like she heard something suspicious. Poland and Slovakia were also listening carefully now.
"Don't you hear a sound…of someone getting closer…?" Hungary continued whispering. In fact, steps on the grass could be heard and rustle of leaves that definitely wasn't wind. Poland, trying to look brave, and since this was his place, decided that he should check it. He was ready to dodge if someone was to attack him right now, and with that attitude, he went to the source of sound, and definitely wasn't expecting what he saw.
"Hey! Stop looking at me like that! From that perspective you look stupider than England when he's drunk!" Even though Hungary didn't see the person who said that, she already knew who this was, how could she not?
"Romania!? What the fuck are you doing here!?" She yelled, running up to the place where Poland was standing.
"Hungary. Good to see you I suppose." Romania said with the most passive-aggressive face he could do, while Hungary was obviously pissed.
"Were you stalking me again!?" She grabbed him by his coat collar.
"The word 'stalking' is not exactly it. More like 'sightseeing and bumping into your little picnic accidentally'." Romania said, trying to sound believable.
"Yeah no, I'm not buying that." Czechia finally gave a signal that she was also present here. Romania sighed.
"Okay, maybe I was. I couldn't lose a chance of seeing Hungary argue with someone other than Prussia!" He said, putting his hands in a defensive way.
"How long have you been here?" Slovakia asked, looking the calmest of the four.
"Uhh, long enough to know the food you don't like…?" He replied, nervously smiling. Hungary just lifted him higher.
"You were there the whole time?" Czechia asked, regardless of what Hungary said.
"Uh, kinda? But that doesn't matter right now! I'm more interested in the history stuff you were talking about! Fortunately, I recently found an interesting spell book!" Romania said, not minding that he's still in the air, and pretty much everyone is angry at him.
"There was this one spell that made everyone in my intention watch memory of person, that was hitted with this spell!" He continued as shock and surprise grew on the four faces.
"I mean, is someone interested in checking it?" Romania finished smiling. He was back on the ground at this point.
"I want!" Slovakia and Czechia yelled at the same time. Romania looked around for a moment.
"Poland, you're surprisingly quiet! I'll take that as you're interested in being the first one?"
"Huh? What? Why don't you totally choose Slovakia for example?" He replied, looking kinda anxious, which was not usual to see in Poland.
"Aw, don't be shy! You said you have an interesting history, don't you? I even called others already!"
"What do you mean others!?"
"Ah yes, basically everyone who was at the meeting two days ago! You know, both Italy's, Germany and he's probably coming along with Prussia, Japan, China, Russia, Austria, America, England, France, Spain, Nordics, Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus and I even remembered about Canada!" Romania exclaimed happily.
"Oh, would you look at that, basically everyone involved in my history with extra steps…" Poland thought, kinda irritated. The rest of V4 didn't look better.
"Why, how and when did you do that!?" Slovakia asked, pretty much shocked.
"I'm part of the Magic Trio for a reason! I looked into the future myself and called them yesterday!" Romania said, looking proud of himself.


Everyone who was called was already there. It was supposed to be just a simple friend's meeting. It definitely went the wrong way after Romania was found. Everyone heard what was supposed to be said, and today's magician got more shocked or pissed stares.
"Well then, let's go straight to the point! Are you ready Poland?" Romania asked, after answering all questions.
"I think… you sure it's totally safe?" He replied, laughing nervously.
"Then let's go, I guess." As he said that, a weird light escaped Romania's hands and hit Poland exactly in the chest. Nothing happend at first and everyone was surprised, but after a while, Poland started feeling lightheaded and eventually passed out into Veneziano's arms, who was standing the closest to him.
"V-ve!? I don't think that was supposed to happen!" He said, panicking.
"Calm down, put him somewhere and you'd better sit down yourself, same for the rest!" Just as he said that, Veneziano felt suddenly weak, and after a while, also passed out, and so did the rest. They were now being transformed to Poland's memory to watch his whole life from the very beginning…

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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