One Last High

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Every night it's the same routine. And every night it's the same fucking dream all over again. Every night I take the pills letting them take away the pain, bringing forth strength I need to remember. I can't forget. I don't want to forget. When I take the pills all the memories flood back and I'm eternally happy. I cling to those memories, smiling at every one of them. But all to soon the high ends and all those memories that were once happy become sad and painful. Everything begins to hurt. My chest hurts so much. My breathing becomes ragged and I can no longer catch my breath. When I sleep I can forget. At least until the nightmares start. They never fail to come. Every night I fall asleep, every night I'm tortured by the same dreams. When I'm jolted awake by them all I am left with is a cold emptiness. There's no longer the warmth my arms used to be envelope. No sweet smell or soft lips. Every morning my harsh reality comes crashing down and I can no longer stand it. I take the pills again, more this time. I can't stand it. I need to get away. Quickly the high comes and I no longer hurt. You appear beside me so perfectly clear and I feel whole again. Until you slowly disappear as my brain awakes from the haze again. No matter how hard I try I can't forget you. And it must be because I don't want to. Tears stream down my face as I look at the last picture we ever took together. The little shit even wrote on it. "I love you more and more every day! You are my rock! I love you Aomine. Love Kise." I'd die to be with you again. I'd do anything. I look at the bottle. Just one last high. That's all I need. And that's all I get.

One last High (AOKISE; boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now