Little Shop of Wonders

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    I traveled far and wide to arrive at last on the threshold of the shop which stood tall before me. My cargo pants had become torn and dirty, my white tank top ripped nearly to shreds. The boots stay the same, though rather worse for wear. My dirty caramel-colored hair hacked off by my knife, so it laid at the edge of my jawline. The overcoat I wore hid my weapons, the black beanie pulled low upon my right eye to hide the scar which stood out so prominent upon my tanned skin, like snow on a tree. I adjusted the coat to hide my knife sheaths, one on my left shin, one on my right thigh, and one on my left bicep. The one on my thigh did not actually hold a knife. It held a wand, used to channel my power to use at any moment. The double sword sheath on my back was hidden under the coat as well.
    I walked into the shop rather loudly, my left leg hitting the ground forcefully due to the limp I developed from one of my quests. The person at the front of the shop looked like he was about my age, 19, and he wore a loose white tank that showed his collarbones, black pants of some kind, and a midnight blue bomber jacket. He had dark hair with bangs that almost covered his almond eyes, though he looked more rugged than emo. I wasn't worried about attraction, though. He isn't my type.
    "Doth thou require any specialized goods this fine day, fair maiden?" he asked, speaking in Old English.
    "Are you the merchant which goes by the alias 'Dom'?" I replied with my own question. I came here searching for him after all. "It is his assistance which I require."
    "Indeed I am, dear lady."
    "I must speak with you immediately, but it cannot be out here. I will entrust you with my name so as to portray the urgency of this situation. It is Madeline."
    "Hurry back this way, ma'am. I haveth many chambers within this humble shop."
    I allowed Dom to lead me back into another room, this one adorned with weapons of all shapes and sizes. I grabbed two katanas, a knife, and a few throwing stars off the walls as I walked in. He didn't mind, as he said, "Feel free to take anything thou doth require. I knoweth thee shall only arrive here in the direst of circumstances."
    As I looked around the room, surveying the other various weapons and filling my sheaths with the weapons I had grabbed, I saw two armchairs in a corner, which Dom began to lead me to.
    "So, fair maiden. What doth Chiron ask of me for him to send thee back in time to speak with me?" He asked curiously. I could not seem to pinpoint his accent.
    "My power has been failing, and the Oracle told me to come back in time and ask for help as well as find and read Python's entrails for a prophecy." I replied in a calm yet rushed tone.
    "My dear, thou must repeateth the exact words of thine Oracle, quests are difficult to understand without such," he said slowly, almost drawing the words out.
    "It was something along the lines of this," I said as I showed him the piece of paper I had written it on.
When the one with power comes along
She shall reach the shop against all odds
Worse for wear, she must travel back
To find the merchant which may give assistance she lacks
He shall aid in her quest for the entrails of the monster
Which shall give her a new prophecy that will make her stronger
The way of the creatures shall be against them
But this shall not stop the power within
Remember, though power may seem rather nice
All power shall come with a price.
656 words

Thank you for reading! Credits to apathyandennui for dialoguing and editing as well as being the best friend i could ask for
-a chaotic bi

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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