Introduction and Back Story

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I have one of those minds that never quits and often wants to find ways to improve things. I got into Magic:  The Gathering in 2001. Not long after really getting into it, I began to scan cards and make templates to make my own cards.

Several years later, I discovered a program called, Magic Set Editor. This produced an opportunity, where I thought I could impress Wizards of the Coast, and maybe get a job there. To my dismay, they told me that they already had up to ten years worth of cards designed.

I was discouraged for a while, but I eventually got back into making cards, and soon would begin to design sets of cards. I really enjoyed the Onslaught block, and chose to design a set in a similar way. This set, called Unleashed, has changed several times, but is based upon a character named, Tarrum, the Immortal. He opens up the time spirals again, and unleashes a horde of mostly hybrid, but also mono-colored and multicolored spells onto the world that is just cleaning up the mess from the last time they were opened.

This set is chock full, but is meant to impress, and I eventually made two other sets to complete the block. Please understand that, I haven't been playing for many years, and, I think it was three or more years ago that I last updated it. Some of the wording for rules and mechanics might be outdated. I also designed it so that the cards sometimes have a second version with the rules text removed, and sometimes flavor text added.

I've playtested a few decks I designed from this set, and it is actually quite balanced. Please let me know what you think....[[|:-)

Unleashed: Custom Magic The Gathering SetWhere stories live. Discover now