dating CATRA

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okiee lets begin.

your a princess she met after she joined the rebellion

it didn't take long for her to accept she loved you

covering her emotions with sarcasm is what she does best

but theres subtle ways of letting you know:

she refuses to let any kind of harm near you,

and protects you from EVERYTHING even if it isn't dangerous,

like puddles and spiders

makes excuses for your nistakes,

after missions if you get hurt shes there to help you

"what would you do without me?"

"please be more careful"

you know shes soft and she's scared of losing you

your obviously not as strong as she is so she thinks of herself as
youre protecter

she would never hurt you

the thought of it keeps her awake at night

"was i too rough during training?"

"should i wake her up and ask?"

   S O F T/ C U T E  C A T R A

She's a tad insecure and craves your cmpany and approval

reasuring her shes perfect and you love her

no really you better love her🔪

She needs love shes been deprived of it her whole life


she's so frickn warm and her ears and tail are sooo soft and she def purrs when she sleeps

she sleeps pretty much on top of you so she knows your not going anywhere

She's in charge in the relationship no questions asked

but she likes being soft for you

give her head pats and chin scratches

shes your bodyguard

if your out of her field of vision its instant panic mode

Shes around 24/7

Shes overprotective became she loves you so love her back and accept her stramge cat ways please🤧

was this good?
who should i do next?

314 words


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