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Hello my name is Makoto Yuki and recently i have been resting waiting to meet my team once again up in heaven but all of a sudden i was transported into the velvet room by Eigors assistant Elizabeth maybe she wants something.

"Ah Makoto welcome back to the velvet room a place between mind and matter i have brought you here for a reason this time well more like a new task" Elizabeth said giving her usual smile happy to see me again

"Ok then Elizabeth what is this task that i need to do?" I awnsered

"Well for this task we are needing for you to go to a diffrent world where spirits exist among the human race" Elizabeth said starting flipping throught her book for something

"Ok then but here's a good question will i still have everything that i usually would have such as my persona's and items?" I asked while tilting my head slightly while looking at Elizabeth

"But of course you will still have everything with you and i will be accompanying you during this task so you can still have access to persona's you may need within the near future also you will be a spirit aswell since your physical body is the seal to keep your world safe from Nyx" Elizabeth said while starting to draw a magic circle on the floor of the velvet room

"Oh yeah the task that im giving you is to make the spirits and humans exist in harmony but anyway are you ready to go to this new world for us to co-exist with Makoto-kun?" She said waiting for me to say something


"Don't care lets go!?"

And as Elizabeth slammed her book shut the magic circle started to emit a light changing our surroundings from the nice cosy atmosphere of the velvet room into a humongous creator in the middle of what seemed to be a small city.

"Hm well isn't this interesting Makoto we seem to be in a middle of a creator of a city!" Elizabeth said while looking around our surroundings from within the creator

Then out of no where i hear gun fire and rush towards Elizabeth taking her into cover to avoid the bullets coming right at us

"Hm looks like the spirit is hiding or has ran away look around the premises quickly now!?" As a woman who was wearing some type of futuristic flying suit said out loud

"Hm well isn't this interesting isn't it makoto?" Elizabeth had said whispering to me

"Very now lets get out of here and fast" i whispered back grabing Elizabeth running away from the creator hiding from the weird futuristic women whenever i could until i reached a building that looked extremely old with in a vasting forest a few meters away from the small city "well this will do for now Elizabeth so get comfortable for now"

"Alright then Makoto" Elizabeth said going to a peice of rubble that was suitable enough to be a make shift chair


Meanwhile in an unknown location

"Well this is certainly interesting a special quake happened and yet there is no spirit spotted at all within the premises at all" a girl with slight faded red hair said putting in a lolipop into her mouth

"Well what should we do my lady?" A man with long blond hair said just walking into the room

"Well we are gonna try and find her thats what were gonna do!?" The red head said while going into her phone to contact someone

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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