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Chapter 1

The enormous, regal, and magnificent Rosewood first caught my attention before I looked at Haru.
   "Are you truly sure about this?" I questioned, a tinge of regret in my voice.
Haru gave me a smile. A smile that would have eased my anxiety a week ago. However, that same concern was now nestled in the pit of my stomach, and despite Haru's repeated assurances that everything would be okay, the thought 'you know no one here' kept running through my thoughts.
   "Hey, I'll be here by your side," Haru said as he softly squeezed my shoulder. "Lottie would adore you, and I will introduce her to you."
Lottie. Lottie, Lottie, Lottie. I assumed he was into her or something when he brought up her name far too frequently. I later realized, though, that she was the Maravish princess and that he was probably pleased to say he knew her.
   "Look, there are Lottie and Jamie! And behind them is Ellie!" Haru pointed at the entrance of Rosewood.
Indeed, there they were. Jamie, who had darker skin and almost-black hair, Lottie, who had short, almost-golden hair, and Ellie, who had short, raven-black hair. Not to mention how Ellie wore a boy's uniform, and looked miraculously good in it.
   "Hello, I'm Sole." I tried a smile, but it felt like Jamie could almost see into my soul and sense it wasn't a true one.
   "I'm Lottie! Welcome to Rosewood!" She smiled enthusiastically, but I knew it was the same one I just used. Not to mention her tone was a little off, like she was forcing herself to be nice.
   "Jamie." Jamie gave me a curt nod, but then lightened up after seeing Haru.
And then Ellie came forward and shook my hand, "Hi, my name is Ellie! I'm so curious about that name of yours. Its so cute!"
I smiled. "Thank you. I like yours too."

Ellie— and Lottie's dorm was where I was. The dark side with rock music, novels, and band posters was Ellie's. Lottie's was precisely what I had anticipated; it was all pink.
"Whats your family like?" Lottie enquired.
I turned to look at her. "When I was three years old, my parents passed away, and my brother and I entered an orphanage. They knew they had to send me away or send my aggressive brother away after he strangled me twice. So  I spent two years at Takeshin thanks to Sayuri's grandfather enrolling me, after which she suggested that coming here this year may also be a great change for me. Her grandfather made it happen, and here I am."
I had been practicing that the entire time. Inform them about your trauma and how you overcome it to make them believe you are just as resilient as they are. Make them believe it. Make yourself believe it.
I thought it would change Lottie's cold tone with me as well, but she still glared at me like I just killed her cat.
   "Lottie, am I doing something wrong?" I questioned, because this wasn't the sweet Lottie that Haru had told me about.
Lottie just smiled, but there was still coldness in her eyes. "No, of course not. Why?"
Ellie was looking from one to the other, and then she frowned. "Lottie, I want to speak to you outside."
They walked out the door, leaving me inside, with a huge clump of guilt, but I still went to the door and listened.
   "Lottie, she isn't part of Leviathan. Cut it out already!"
   "She could be! Maybe she was the one that hurt Jamie," I could hear her anger, "And I can't let it happen again."
Leviathan? Hurt Jamie? Happen again? Why did that Leviathan sound so familiar? Why? And what was she doing wrong?
They came in again, and when opening the door, I got hit by it. Lottie's face turned paper white when she realized I'd been listening.
   "I don't know what Leviathan is, but I'm not part of it." I said, and I meant it.
Just then, there was a knock on the door. Lottie turned around to open it again, and Haru came in, holding a letter. He handed it to Lottie and turned around again, before waving at me.
   "Lottie," Ellie read over her shoulder, "'Hello, Lottie and Ellie. I know you must be confused. But I want to tell you, there is zero proof Sole has anything to do with Leviathan. If she's reading with you, get her away from the paper. This is not for her, and she mustn't know what I'm about to tell you.'"
Ellie stopped reading aloud, her eyes traveling the words, until she looked up to me in shock. As did Lottie, but this time with pity.
   "What is it?" I demanded, reaching out for the paper.
But Lottie crumbled it into a ball and threw it in a pink trashcan besides her bed.
   "Nothing. How about a tour?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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