Over The Red Moon

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Shelby Late is a tall female turtle with dark green scales and green eyes that look at the screen of her DreamCorp phone. Shelby is looking for love on a dating app after getting divorced. Ermine Richardson matches with Shelby.

Shelby Late sends a message to Ermine, [Hello]

Ermine Richardson smiles at his DreamCorp phone and messages back, [Hello! =)]

Shelby checks Ermine's bio and then messages back, [You're a Weazel News reporter?]

Ermine messages back, [For now.]

Shelby messages, [Thinking of getting a new job?]

Ermine messages back, [I worry I might have to.]

Shelby messages, [Why?]

Ermine messages, [I'm not sure my boss likes that I show up late sometimes]

Shelby messages, [I'm always late.]

Ermine messages, [I'm sorry to hear that]

Shelby messages, [It's okay.]

Ermine messages, [I still have to feel sorry]

Shelby messages, [You're kind, I like you. Want to meet up and get something to eat? I'll promise not to be too late.]

Ermine messages, [Sure!]

Shelby messages, [Casanova's? Fieryhouse Restaurant? WacDonald's? Or do you want to go to a café?]

Ermine messages, [Wherever you want to go.]

Shelby messages, [I don't have a lot of money, see you at the WacDonald's on Prosperity Street?]

Ermine Richardson messages, [I'm completely fine with this and appreciate your choice in the matter.]

Shelby messages, [See you soon.]

Ermine messages back, [See you soon!]

A little while later...

Shelby arrives at the WacDonald's on Prosperity Street a little after Ermine but smiles when she sees him. Ermine Richardson waves and smiles.

Shelby says, "It's nice meeting you in person."

"Am I late?" Ermine asks.

Shelby responds, "You're right on time."

Ermine Richardson smiles widely. Radu Chase, a dark purple-furred bat with yellow eyes, wearing a red uniform vest and brown shorts, holds the glass door for Shelby Late and Ermine Richardson. Shelby holds Ermine's paw, Ermine Richardson holds her hand back and walks inside.

Maria Chase, a female vampire bat, with grey fur and black hair in a bob, wearing a red robe and yellow cardboard crown as the Burger Queen, smiles with black lipstick on her lips.

Maria Chase greets, "Welcome to WacDonald's!"

Walter Chase, dressed as a yellow clown called Wally Wacky, comes out to hand Shelby Late and Ermine Richardson napkins while Vlad Chase, dressed as a black and white striped criminal called The Big Cheese, pulls out chairs for them.

Ermine Richardson sits down and says, "Thank you."

Shelby sits down and says, "Thank you."

Radu asks, "Anything that I can get you?"

Ermine orders, "Hamburger and fries."

Shelby orders, "Veggie burger and soda."

Radu responds, "My pleasure."

Radu heads to the back to get their order.

"How are you?" Ermine asks Shelby.

"Do you want my honest answer?" Shelby asks.

"Yes," Ermine says.

Shelby frowns and says, "My boss is an ego maniac that is upset that I'm always late, I'm underpaid, and just got divorced."

Radu comes back to the table and hands Shelby a cup for her soda.

Ermine says, "I understand, I got everything but the divorce."

Shelby gets up and fills her cup all the way to the top with Sprite. Shelby sits back down with her cup.

Wally Wacky approaches the table and shouts, "Enjoy free refills!"

Wally Wacky hands ketchup packets to Shelby and Ermine but his arm bumps Shelby's cup. Shelby uses a superpower to slow down time, holding her cup steady so it doesn't fall over, her power is only perceived by Ermine who has super speed.

"Huh?" Ermine questions.

"What?" Shelby asks.

Ermine says, "He bumped into your cup but it didn't spill when it's overflowing."

Shelby lies, "I have quick reflexes."

Ermine says, "You were later than me, no you don't."

Shelby says, "Just because I'm late doesn't mean I don't have quick reflexes."

Ermine Richardson balls up a napkin. Shelby looks at the balled up napkin, Ermine Richardson throws it at her. Shelby doesn't react to block the balled up napkin from hitting her face until a second after the balled up napkin already hit her face.

Ermine remarks, "You didn't react until a full second later, no you don't."

"Okay, do you want the honest truth?" Shelby asks.

"You have the ability to...Do super speed??" Ermine questions.

Shelby responds, "I can slow down time."

Ermine remarks, "I had a good guess."

Radu serves Ermine his hamburger and fries, serving the veggie burger to Shelby. Ermine eats his burger and fries. Shelby eats her veggie burger. Ermine and Shelby get up. Ermine pays for their meal.

Ermine Richardson apologizes to Shelby while leaving the WacDonald, "Sorry for being a jerk, I wanted to prove a point but I shouldn't have done that."

Shelby responds while leaving the WacDonald's, "It's okay, it was kinda funny."

"By the way, what's your boss' name?" Ermine asks.

Shelby answers, "My boss' name is Cy Borge."

Ermine Richardson is surprised but doesn't show it in his face as he says, "Well he sounds like a jerk and I think I can find you a better job."

Shelby responds, "Cy Borge is an ego maniac. I'm a data entry coordinator for Red Moon, I scan documents and type in important information into a database for only eighteen dollars an hour."

Ermine says, "You deserve better, quit your job."

"....You know what, I'll quit my job!" Shelby exclaims after some hesitation.

Ermine says, "I'll get that job for you as quickly as possible."

"I'm glad I met you," Shelby says as she hugs Ermine's arm.

Ermine Richardson hugs Shelby back.

Shelby says, "I...love you."

Shelby kisses Ermine's lips, Ermine Richardson kisses her lips back. Shelby smiles and blushes lightly. Ermine Richardson smiles back.

A few days later...

Ermine Richardson enters Weazel Towers and apologizes, "Sorry Shelby Late, I'm late...Again."

Shelby responds, "It's okay."

Shelby hands Ermine an article and says, "The boss doesn't care as long as the work is done, here's your proofread article."

"Aww thank you!" Ermine exclaims.

Shelby kisses Ermine's lips.

Shelby says, "You're welcome, sweetie."

Ermine Richardson kisses back.

Shelby says, "I love you. Thank you for getting me this job."

Ermine says, "Thank you, love you too."

Shelby smiles at Ermine, then goes back to proofreading articles. Ermine Richardson goes to his desk then begins writing.

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