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It was on August 11th of 2022 that I received a friend request on Roblox. Of course, I was in the middle of a game so I didn't check it right away. It was when I had finally reached the end of the obby that I went to go see who it was. The username read "enchiladagirl1." I did not know an enchiladagirl1. How did she find me? She wasn't in the game I was playing. Perhaps she was a mutual friend. When I clicked on her profile I saw that she had created her account that day. Her bio was the same as her username. There was barely anything on her profile. She only had one other friend; my friend. And so I opened the chat with my friend and asked if she knew who enchiladagirl1 is. She said no, which meant enchiladagirl1 had just found us somehow, like we were the Chosen Ones or some shit. But I didn't think much of it at the time. I ended up accepting her friend request, which turned out to be a big mistake later on. That evening I saw a commercial for the new chicken enchilada at Taco Bell, which I had thought was just a coincidence. I was wrong.

On August 12th I played Roblox again. I wondered if enchiladagirl1 would join, but she never did. She was online all day, but not once did she play a game or message me. I wondered if she'd messaged my friend, so I went to go ask. She'd received nothing from enchiladagirl1 as well. Okay, weird. But again I didn't think much of it. I assumed she'd left her laptop open while she was out as an explanation to why it showed she was online. That evening my TV had turned on with the same Taco Bell enchilada commercial from yesterday, then turned back off again. The TV hadn't been on all day. It was then I realized something weird was going on.

On August 13th my friend told me her TV turned on automatically last night with the same exact commercial. I knew this had to be the works of you-know-who, so I decided to remove enchiladagirl1 as a friend. But every time I tried to remove her, it would still show we were friends. I even tried blocking her, but that didn't work either. That evenihg I heard the commercial, but my TV wasn't on. And then everything went silent again. I tried turning on the TV, but the screen stayed black. And so I decided to unplug it and feel asleep on the couch.

The morning on August 14th I was woken up by the sound of the commercial, and at that moment I was absolutely terrified. I got out my laptop and went on Roblox, clicking on enchiladagirl1's profile. That was when I noticed her status had changed. All this time it had just been her username, but this time it was different. "I didn't go through birth, or root from fertilization. I wasn't growing in an egg, treasured and protected. I came into this world completely blind, not a guide to take my hand, and I had not a clue why, but me coming into this world had to be my destiny, and I could cope with being so blind of origin. I'm independent, and I like that. I continue a blinded legacy by living every day to the fullest. I, am enchiladagirl1." Somehow the word "fertilization" had gotten through the filters, as the word is blocked for everyone else. I sat there for a while trying to figure out what it could mean, like if there was a hidden message in it or something. But I never did.

The morning of August 15th I checked to see if there had been an update. Her status was back to her username. I didn't see or hear the enchilada commercial that day, and neither me or my friend have received it since. I looked up the commercial and found out it is from 2005, meaning there is no new enchilada at Taco Bell. The item was discontinued. I knew the commercial looked off, but I didn't know how old it really was. But why would a commercial from 2005 air on TV? This was definitely the works of enchiladagirl5. It must be some sort of dark magic. Every once in a while, she'll join our games, walk around a bit without saying a word and then leave right after. We've tried contacting her, but so far no answer. We still don't know who's behind the account. She still remains in our friend lists to this day, as well as the mystery of who she really is.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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