My boring life in Velenje (Part 1)

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It's August, summer break. My dad has gone to Greece with his girlfriend that he broke up with three times already, but he says he still loves her or some shit. Of course he left me here at home with my uncle. My uncle isn't often home either. He's a drug dealer. And my mom....I don't know where mom is, I never really knew her anyways. So I guess you could say I'm on my own, always has been that way if I think about it.
My friends say I should find someone to date, but I was never really interested in that. Well that all changed one day..... Let me tell you about it.....
On some random Friday in August, me and my friends went to a rave that was going down here in Velenje. We knew it would be full of gasers and other basic bitches, so we were prepared to be yelled at and mocked. We dressed up in our kawaii emo suits and went to the rave. It was very exciting and fun. To my suprise there were also some cute skater boys and some hot bad girls. But none fit my standards to be my bf/gf. I sat down at the bar and ordered a coca-cola. And then I saw him. A boy of my dreams. He was wearing papuče with white socks, a red nike t-shirt that looked like flames danicing on a hot summer day, his skinny ripped jeans huged his skinny yet muscular legs and around his neck a gorgeous golden chain with diamonds. I have never seen a man as beautiful. We suddenly made eye contact and I immediately fell in love. My cheeks started burning, I was blushing so hard, so I quickly turned away so he couldn't see my embarassment. Moments later he sits down by my side at the bar. Only now do I get a look at his gorgeous face. His eyes are dark brown, almost black and I feel like I could get lost in them. Again, I quickly turn away so he can't see my blushing cheeks. "Kje si mala?!" he says. Is he talking to me? No way. "Alo, rekel sem ti kje si mala?" he says again, this time he sounds almost angry. I turn to him, speechles, as I am taken aback by his handsomnes. My cheeks start burning even more than before and he seems almost a little surprised. I think I can see a hint of pink on his cheeks too. It's kinda cute seeing him like this. We stare at each other for some momentes like that. Then he finally breaks the silence. " Can I have your snap, babygirl?!" he asks. "O-o-O-of course. Here it i-is." I say with a shaky shy voice and give him my snapchat username. He then leaves, without saying a word and I just stay there, my mind completly blank. Will I see him again? I hope I do........

My secret summer love in VelenjeWhere stories live. Discover now