Dream Come True?

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[Name] stroke the boy's hair as he listen to his cries. Ace had his face on the other's chest, crying after he had explain his backstory to him.

His cries was loud enough to woke up his sister. She saw he was crying on the man's chest, she got up without hesitation.

"Ace! W-what happened!..

What did you do!?"

Ashley wasn't sure if [Name] was the one who made him cry, because it seem he's trying to comfort him. [Name] didn't say a single word, but he was trying to calm the boy down, he told him sweet words, saying that everything will be okay and he will not ever see his horrible mom again.

Ashley stared after she heard the word 'mom'. She realizes what was happening.

[Name] look at her, confused.

She looks like she's....



Ashley went closer to the man and lay her head on his shoulder, tears pricked her eyes too. The one who was crying loudly was Ace, while Ashley was crying but didn't make any noise, except for the sniffles.

[Name] sigh, he look beside him, seeing his grimoire.

He hadn't realize he had it with him in the first place, but he couldn't care less about that. He grab his grimoire and tried to find a spell that could help with the kids' crying. He went page to page....Until he find the one that he needed to be use.

"Card creation magic: Sunshine."

He grab a card from his grimoire, the card had a sun on it, a sun with a smily face. The kids noticed, their attention was now on the card that [Name] had put on the ground. They stare in confusion.

Then, the card suddenly shake, something pop up from the card. They stare in shock.

The card had a...Screen? A screen that revealed a land. The green grass, the blue sky, the sun, and..Just happy things on there. The kids seem amuse and surprise by it, even if it wasn't much.

"W-what's that!"

"A little something to entrain you two..Hope this help."


Surprisingly they stopped crying and had their attention on the card, [Name] was weirded out by how they were amazed by it. Although he's glad they were fine, might as well summon more of those cards to make them happy.

(A week later)

[Name] peacefully eat his bread as he watches the kids play with eachother's magic. He's impressed how Ashley is controlling her magic properly, but Ace seem to..Try to control it. He can get better soon enough.

While watching them, he also heard their conversation.

"One day, I will be a Magic Knight and protect you and the Kingdom!"

"I want to be a Magic Knight too!"

"Hah? Only people who can control magic can be a Magic Knight! Maybe one day if you can control yours, you can be like them!

What squad do you wanna be in?"

"Golden Dawn!"

"Haaah? Hey, I want to be in the Golden Dawn! You'll take the Crimson Lions or Silver Eagles."

"I don't want that...Hmph!"

'What are they talking about?'

[Name] was rather amuse by their conversation, but he doesn't understand or know what they're talking about..Are those their fantasy?

[Name] POV

I'm pretty much amused by the kids. I really like how they're playing like it's their fantasy, it's a very clever one I must say! Wish I was that smart with fantasy when I was a kid. Although I don't really remember anything as a kid..I only remember being a kid back then.

And my family..And relatives.

Don't really remember much from the past, maybe I'm getting older and older to the point where all my memories would just disappear.

...How old even am I? Who knows.

Anyways, I feel interested in the roleplay. Maybe I could ask them more about it!

"Hey guys, can you tell me more about the...Magic Knights thing?"

"Huh!? You don't know!?"

"I guess not.."

"Magic Knights are bunch of cool people that protect the Clover Kingdom! The Clover Kingdom is in the Noble Realm, which where the Wizard King live! The Wizard King is so cool...I want to see him in person one day..!"

'Hold on.'
"Oh, they're real?"

"What do you mean they're real?! Of course they are!"

Oh, I was VERY wrong. I didn't know that?? And there's another realm in this world!

"W-well..Can you tell me more about them?"

"Each Magic Knights has a squad, and there's Magic Knights captains. Each captains are leaders of each squad, there's the Golden Dawn, Silver Eagles, Crimson Lions, Green Praying Mantis, Purple Orcas, Blue Rose Knights..I think. Black Bulls, Aqua deers and Coral Peacocks! The strongest is the Golden Dawn, and weakest is the Black Bulls, that's what our parents says back then."

..That's quite a lot. They sound pretty cool though, wonder how people can be a Magic Knights here.

3rd person POV

"You should become a Magic Knight and join the Golden Dawn! Your magic will totally get the captain's attention for sure!"

Ashley said excitedly as she went closer to [Name], she convinced him to join the Magic Knights entrance exam that will start the next 6 months, which made [Name] gave out a nervous chuckle.

"Hah..6 months before the exam start? I-I mean, sure, but I don't even know where the exam is at."

"You have wings right? You can just fly and look down to see where you are! And you have to carry us along flying. Just be careful."

"..I guess so. I have a spell where I can carry you two in a card, that would be easier."


"Is he really gonna do it?"

"Of course, Ace! We will finally see the captains in person soon!"

[Name] smile as he watches the two hold hands and jump up and down, clearly they were very excited because [Name] agreed to join the Magic Knights. [Name] just couldn't refuse their soft faces, he really wants their dream to come true...

But now here he is, clueless to what to do. He have a lot of time, so he could train for the whole 6 months.

'I guess I better get started.'

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