His my best friend why would this happen?He was a good guy I swear.I would do anything to bring him back,anything to see his face,to hear him or to hold him.He was my everything my first love and my first friend.Losing him was hell but I know he would want people to know he wasn't a bad person.

"Hurry up your going to be late!" I heard my mom shouting out to me.After I was done I sprint out the door to see Robin,Finn and Gwen standing there waiting for me "you took for forever!" Gwen had said while rolling her eyes and laughing "I woke up late" we all laugh and walk to school.We didn't know but a black van was driving behind us crossing the street I had seen it multiple times before like when I would walk with Robin or Finn.Before I had never like Robin I thought he was a jerk I mean he was a bitch sometimes but he grew on me I say I hate him still and he says it too.We normally curs at eachother when sometimes doesn't go one of ours way.

"PUTO DEJA DE GRITARME TE VOY A DAR UNA BOTEADA TAN FUERTE TE SALE EL PAÑUELO ESTÚPIDO" I had shouted at him for taking my shit sometimes it would go on for hours we would always end up laughing it off sometimes we wouldn't talk for a couple days but we would start talking like nothing happened even make jokes about it.Anyways back to where we left off when we were walking to school.I always felt like someone was watching us I wouldn't say anything always to scared to say something like they would think I was stupid.Though I felt like Gwen felt the same way when I looked at her while walking she seemed scared.

I always knew Finn was getting bullied but when me and Robin were there no one messed with him but when we weren't there Finn would tell us how he got beat up or how they were calling him gay.I hated those guys who hurt Finn sometimes I couldn't do anything except for the one time I did sometimes I regret it but I know I did the right thing even if what happened after hurt me."Hey Finney how's that mom of yours?" one of Finns bullies said laughing at him and smirking.I could see it Finney eyes that he wanted to leave that he wants to cry it felt like I could almost feel his pain.Gwen tried to stand up for them even tho they were twice both their sizes.I was so pissed off I went up to them not holding back I knew what I wanted to do for them to stop.

"cabron sigue jugando con finn y te juro que te rompo cada hueso del cuerpo" I shouted at all three of them making sure they heard me.I saw them look back at me laughing "what did you say we couldn't understand your gibberish" the guy thought he was being so funny even if he looked like a pumpkin with his bright red hair."oh wow ginger your so funny" I clenched my fist and punched him right in his face pushing him over and beating the shit out of him.There was so much blood it almost looked like I killed the guy "keep talking shit hijo de puta" I yelled at the kid.He tried to get me off him but couldn't till I felt someone grab me by my hair pulling me back.I was trying to get away from the black haired bullied.

Until I was thrown across the grass by one of the guys.The guy came up to me slowly walking, my vision was blurry and not knowing what was happening I see something silver and sharp being pulled out.As the thing comes closer I feel my arm being pulled I start to be able to see I notice it's a knife,"NO DONT TOUCH HER" I know that voice is Gwen's.The knife touches my arm he poked my skin "HIJO DE PUTA GET OFF ME" I'm yelling and kicking trying to get off when I close my eyes and hear someone fall the ground.I open my eyes to see the guy on the floor blood coming down his head and Gwen with a rock.I noticed the cut but was only worried about Gwen and Finn.The guys ran away while Finn and Gwen helped me get up."Y/n you shouldn't have done that I would have been fine" Finn tried to tell me but I wouldn't have believed it "don't try and lie to me finney I know you wouldn't have defended yourself"

School was always like hell especially when I was alone.I didn't have much friends only Gwen,Finney and Robin I did have a couple like 1 or 2 but they were more of in class friends.I always tried to hang out with them but their parents never really liked me.They thought I was a bad person because I fought a lot I don't blame them for not liking me.I was failing a lot of my classes I know that without Finn I would be held back and failing even more.Finn helped me and Robin out a lot with classes.That's what h liked about Finn he was always ready to help people he was a kind person.Robin was a dick sometimes but his still  my best friend even if I wanted more with him.Maybe it  was best for us being "just friends".I wish I told him I liked him but I never did.

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