Lee's Pov:

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I had taken a walk to calm down after going  through  alot with my current  boyfriend  I had certainly never  imagined  after two whole years  that he would  cheat  and then blame me  I was absolutely mortified when I took  a turn I saw a car that me and my boy bestfriend always spoke about in the exact mate black shade too as I looked to see who the owner was I was frozen  to the spot
And and I couldn't  think  I went blank It was  such a surprise to me  when  I had finally  seen  my best friend  after years! in my opinion  he had gotten  hotter for sure I had wondered  if  he remembers me  but I did not attempt to approach him  I took a step  forward  to see he's features to be sure  it was really  him
He had grown 6'3 feet tall, grown out hes hair, he's gotten a bit whiter and tattoos  all over he's arms in a patched style from  what I could see he had on a midnight  blue suit pants and white  shirt  with rolled up sleeves and the jacket hung over one shoulder then I said to myself "Lee snap out of it remember  the last conversation with him?"

I slowly  turned around the other way now sobbing  because  he use to be the only one I could speak to about  my problems and I was now holding  to much inside I walked across  the road  and went to the art gallery  sat down wondering how could he have forgotten of me so easily  after everything we have been  through  together  and how he promised to stay  but left  in the end, He's a coward!  (sobbing softly in my hands)
"I bet doesn't  even  know" But why would  he care right...
I stood up and realized that I have left the apartment  for a whole 5 hours  and that I wasn't  even  crying  about  my boyfriend  anymore , I stood up and decided  that I had enough  of crying  and went home (jogs off)

I got home now waiting  for me was my boyfriend  he's name is Lorenzo
As I walked  through  the doorway  I found  him sitting on the sofa as if nothing  happened  and ordered me to make something  to eat at this point  I had actually  given  up on fighting  back, so I turned  and went into  the kitchen  and made a quick dinner  after I had finished  that I then left  to take a shower , I finshed and went to bed  feeling  upset 

(next day)

I had woken up and decided  that today  I was  going be better  and do better  for no one else  but myself  I drew up a chart to improve myself  and have a planned schedule

I thought  about thought about it  a lot so I'll start  gyming and I'll be filling out this form for MMA fighting n and my trading platform has already  been improving  and I also  need to get me some new  outfits because  I am not even  this "poor"  to dress like an oldie.

I washed, got dressed  then went  off to the hospital  to  tell my brother  about my new plans that I'm going to be doing
(locks the door and walks out to the door  of my  BMW. )

Next chapter coming soon....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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