winding wheel

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Haylor one shot:

Taylor and Harry have been doing good as friends. After three years of being single, Taylor finally found her new love, Calvin Harris. But what about Harry? Harry has been giving out clues on the social medias about how he's still in love with her but i guess taylor doesn't want him that way anymore.

2 years have past and Harry was still falling helplessly in love with Taylor while Taylor was already planning her marriage with Calvin. Harry never imagined it would end like this.

"Hey, so you and calvin are getting married?" Harry spoke trough the phone.

"Um yeah, what's wrong, Haz?" Taylor replied. The fact that taylor was still calling her by his nickname made him smile like an idiot.

"Um n-nothing. I, um, i just want to congratulate you guys." He stuttered. Even though he still loves her all these times, he could never took her happiness away. He didn't care if its not with him, he just wanted taylor to be happy.

"Don't lie, Styles. Whats with the stuttering?" Taylor was getting curious about him. He's not usually this nervous around her. They became good friends and she knew that she could always go to Harry for help.

"I don't know, Taylor. Its been 5 years but i could still feel you lying next to me and i know i shouldnt have tell you because i don't want to break our friendship but i think i have to let it all out, Taylor. Im sorry." After 5 years of hinting on social media, even the fans have realized it, Taylor was still clueless because he hid it so good.

"Harry, im so sorry. But we tried, okay? But it just didn't work out. You'll find someone else, Harry. I promise." Taylor felt guilty. But she didn't have anything left for him. And thats the bitter truth. Calvin made her happy more than anything and she couldn't let a simple phone call ruin everything.

"I know, Taylor. I just never imagined it will end like this." Harry sniffed, causing Taylor to tensed up.

"Harry, are you alright? Why were you sniffing?" She asked, unconcerned about his condition.

"Im okay, im just happy for you." He sniffed again, this time he added some laughter to make her believe that he was alright.

"Okay, i guess we'll talk later. Calvin's calling me to have some breakfast. See ya there, Hazza!"

"See ya, Taylor." He waited for her to hang up. And she did.

All of the hint, starting from him changing his instagram feed to black and white when 1989 hit the stores and him tweeting the lyrics to Wonderland that was about their past relationship then him quoting a conversation about bucket hats to that winding wheel post for Taylor. She didn't get all of his messages but the fans did, he thought. But truth is, she did but she waited for him to tell her the truth until she lost all of her hope on him. But now its just too late.

"Better still, be my winding wheel."

"You know for me its always you."

"I know for you its always me."

"I wont trouble you no more."

"And I love you now you don't want me too."


I wrote this based on facts but its still kind of fictional. And i wrote this on 3:32am so don't judge me ok i was bored and couldnt sleep im justt waiting till the sun goes up and stuffs and my grandmother is snoring rn and omg ugh akskalap just please read this hahaha im desperate af

P.s. Its 3.50 am

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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