A Lego Monkie Kid short

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This contains graphic(ish) descriptions of violence blood and other spooky stuff-

Don't say I didn't warn you!❤️


It happened again he got attached. He cared too much. HE LET THEM GET HURT!

Sun Wukong was at his breaking point, everything he's done was to avoid this moment. The moment he loses himself and hurts someone he loves, now he has to look down at the body below him.
Mk was choking on his own breath and blood the hit to his stomach causing intense damage, while his old friend Macaque was on the ground barely holding on himself trembling from the amount of pain he was in.

Sun wukong frowned, this was all his fault... He makes the mistake again and again and again! He just puts everyone in danger, he can't protect them if they keep trying to help! He's at his final straw he's going to end this here and now. He got free because of Mk but that kid was in no shape to be fighting anymore.

Wukong despite everything gained a toothy smile his pupils thinning into slits as he slowly turned to the bone demon. He grabbed his staff ripped it from it's frozen pedestal, he watched the childs eyes widen.. No this was no child he HAD to block out the though that, that THING is a child.
With a burst of energy he lunged forwards swinging his staff only for it to slam into a shield formed by The Lady Bone Demons magic. But, he didn't stop his assault there.

His eyes glowed as he flashed through the sky after her, he knew she was at her breaking point, she is weak. Their fight grew more drawn out as it goes on The Great Sage and The Lady Bone Demon's fight has yet to come to an end. Within moments the Bone demon finally spoke "ENOUGH! I will rid of you here and now Sun Wukong!" She cried out, her mech started to move, fast.

Before the Monkey King could react it had cought him he felt bones break and organs get crushed but that wouldn't stop him as he grunted, he was tired his energy is low... The female spoke in glee "You are weak Sun wukong! Just give in and I'll spare that boy" She said this with a manic smile. But, he still has more power then her. With a burst of gold the mech's clawed hand started to break, wukong slammed his fist into it causing it to complete break apart chunks of metal flying out everywhere.

He launched himself into the landing on his summersault cloud, his armor damaged, cloths tattered and worn out, fur ruffled and messy, and blood dripping down his chin as it leaks out of his nose "I'll finish what I started" he snapped before shifting himself bigger, stronger, and better to go against the mech.

Then he clashed with the mech it seemed odd that the samadhi fire wasn't used against him, until he saw the dragon decent and the child of flame together with Mk who is standing up looking better then before. He forcefully shoved the mech back making it stumble backwards maybe he should have stuck to a normal size, his head is starting to feel fuzzy... He's exhausted as he shifted to his normal size throwing the staff to his student, once he saw Mk catch the staff he nearly collapsed as he watched the kid from his own mech.

He gave himself a moment before he did anything again, he went to Macaque helping his old friend up he smiled lightly before turning as the golden circle surrounded everyone. He glanced at Macaque and they both nodded sending their power out to help the kid.



That's all thanks for reading?? I don't know why you read that stupid bit but you do you ig

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