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It all started on August 3, 2011. That was the day my life changed forever. At the time, it was for the worse. But really it would end up being for the better. I would soon realize that my parents forcing us to move across the globe would be the best thing that's happened to me. For now, it was a torturous weekend full of arguments and me wanting to leave the house and never come back. Ironically, that didn't mean moving to a different country.


"But mom, you don't understand! Do you know what it's like to leave all of your friends behind?! Not to mention my job, my boyfriend and the soccer team!" I raised my voice.

"Honey, I do understand. Quitting my job wasn't easy for me, and neither was telling my friends. But this opportunity that your dad is getting will benefit our family a lot. Plus, we get to live in Hawaii, and your father's paychecks will be tripling. Who knows, maybe this is fate telling us that Australia isn't the right place for our family. We've had this conversation enough times..Start packing! We told you two weeks ago and you haven't packed a single thing. Give it up Leti, we aren't changing our minds. " she said, turning around and going back to the linen closet in the hall.

"This could ruin my relationship mom." I pleaded my case.

"If he really loves you and you guys are willing to work for it, long distance won't be an issue." she replied, folding up some spare sheets and placing them in a box.

"I'm going to tell him right now then. If you don't mind," I motioned for my mom to move out of the doorway of my room.

"Be back in 2 hours young lady, you have lots of packing to do." She yelled back at me as I ran down the stairs and out the door.


I parked my car on the road at Chase's house. I was so nervous to tell him because I didn't know what his reaction would be. Yes, we've been dating for two years, but I still didn't know if he would lash out or cry.

I knocked on the door and sure enough, Chase answers.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you to be here...um.. What's up? Is everything okay?" He asks with a nervous tone in his voice.

"I don't know, should I be asking you the same thing? You seem nervous. Are you hiding something?" I ask, pushing open the door and walking in.

That's when I see it. A bra. Lying on the floor. Not my bra.

"I think your mom dropped something out of the laundry." I laugh and walk over to the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah" He laughs nervously and kicks it out of the way.

"So, I have something to tell you.." I start.

"Me too," He says. 

Wait what? Now I'm even more nervous.

"You can go first." I reply.

He rubs his hands together and breathes, preparing himself. For what, though?

"This isn't easy Leti. I really like you, but I think we should break up. I think our timing is off.." he says, looking at the floor.

I feel my heart drop and my eyes tearing up.

"Wait, what? Why?" I say, tears flowing even more.

"Our timing is off, look this isn't your fault T, it's just-"

"Chasey, who are you talking to?" A voice calls from the staircase. Not just any voice...

Hailey Roberts.

"What the hell?" I wipe my tears and push Chase off of me.

"What's she doing here?" I yell, as Hailey skips into the kitchen, wearing one of Chase's t-shirts, with no pants on.

"Um, T , I can explain, this isn't what it looks like!" He responds as she wraps her arms around him.

"Oh, it's exactly what it looks like. Sorry to break it to you sweetie, but he's breaking up with you for me. You should go, buy some ice cream, and cry yourself to sleep, while I fuck your ex boyfriend. Cya!!" Hailey says with a smirk and kisses Chase on his neck.

He has tears in his eyes, but he deserves to cry. God, he deserves to fall off of a bridge.

"Fuck you Chase," I say, and then I look at Hailey. What a bitch.

"Hailey you probably have 12 different STDs so it won't be long until you're both diseased." I spat at her. Their expressions were angry. I can feel that I'm about to cry even harder, and that's my queue to leave.

I rush out of his house and to my car as fast as I possibly can. I'm sobbing so hard, but then it hits me....

I can start a new life in Hawaii. I don't have to worry about a long distance relationship. I still love Chase, but not having to walk past him in the halls or see him in class or see him in general, is so relieving. Things won't be awkward for very long since we are moving in three days.

I wipe my tears one final time and then drive off. Hailey was right about one thing, I need ice cream, asap.


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