The beginning of it all

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¨Don't listen to the voices, don't go out after dark, don't go to others houses, don't use ouija boards, most importantly whatever you see; never let them know you see them.¨ My mom said in a stern, urgent voice. ¨ Yes mother¨ I said in an exasperated tone. I never did understand my mother's rules, she would never let me just be normal. I sighed. I knew if I didn't listen she would chastise me. At this point I could easily block out her murderous tone when she spoke to me on this topic, however even if I do so she'll pester me. That would be a huge pain in my arse, so I do as she says. My moms always gone doing something. She's never been here for more than a week. Yet she has her rain of never ending tyranny. She pushed my glossy scarlet locks behind my ear. "I love you sweetheart"she said gently. As she left I felt heat pool behind my eyes, as burning rivers drizzled down my cheeks. I don't understand how she could lie to me with such ease. I felt a horrendous pain pounding at my chest. I couldn't bring myself to ever love my mother. I wanted someone to be there to love me, to watch me. I had no family besides her so I was often left alone. I gingerly sat down and let my head fall into my hands as I weeped softly. I sobbed until all I felt was the inability to cry anymore. My eyes and heart stung in different ways. My eyes stung with a scorching fire after crying for an hour. My heart? Well it was ablaze with remorse. I sigh as I thrusted myself onto the bed, ruminating about everything. 'I wonder how long she'll be gone, a week? A month? Maybe a year? I don't know and don't care". I was dozing off into oblivion,I opened my eyes and snapped them shut, in an attempt to stay awake. My eyelids got heavy and slowly fluttered shut. Then everything went black. I felt a soft swat at my face and I looked up. It was My big balls of white fluff; my pomeranians. Lucy and Celia. As soon as I opened my gleaming silver eyes. I felt a moist sensation on my cheek as they were giving me puppy kisses. " LUCY CELIA! S T O P I T" I squeezed through my thunderous snickers. I picked them up and took them to our screen door which showcased the alluring view of the gleaming ocean. I was a world of colors, Green fading into blue to teal all blending together to make an immaculate view. It took my breath away, it seized my view and held it tight not letting go. I watched the waves sway and it drew my legs closer to the edge of the sand. The frosty water rammed against my toes but I didn't seem to mind. My eyes were seduced by the beauty of the mesmerizing view. It held my eyes and left a tingling sensation of enchantment. I leisurely walked into the ocean, feeling the sharp bite of the frosty water. But then it slowly turned into a soothing warmth. I closed my eyes until suddenly I heard a huge clap of thunder and rain started pouring. The resonance of the thunder was still punching the inside of my skull and pounding my brain. I swam until my toes could reach the sand and stumbled inside. I was drenched in salty ocean water. I sighed in relief as Lucy and Cecilia came up and ran to their bowl and back. I smiled softly down at them, my eyes burning with love. I stagger as I get up, I walk to the food bowls and pour the food into each one of the bowls measuring so they get their desired amounts. I walked lethargically to get my towel. I slept onto the cool tiled floor. I free myself of my apparel, and leisurely turn the frosty knob to turn the shower on. I felt the heat slowly rise to my fingertips, the warmth shooting through my body. I was a nice contrast to the cold however because of the mixture of the feelings goosebumps invade my skin. I wait in what seems like a year but it's just 30 seconds. I slowly put my foot in and sauntered into the cozy blanket, that we call water. I let the streams of balmy water fall off my pale skin cleansing me of all my anxiety. * BOOM* I slid on the slippery floor and slammed into the shower wall. I thrusted myself out of the shower and flung a towel around my body. I slithered down the stairs with dismay and a vexing feeling drowning my senses. Then I found a girl beat up, and death escaping her lips. " I finally found you... you're just like me" she said huskily and then passed out. I stared in astonishment, one because I have never in my life met this captivating. No bewitching lady, and she just said I'm like her and that she "finally found me". This is complete moonshine! That is not how you introduce yourself!! How obscene! Two why am I not seething, dipping with vexation. No, I know the answer to that. Her hair looked like fire, it was bright red and wavy, seemingly moving like a flame.

What should I do? Do I follow my heart and stay or send her on her way?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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