Chapter 3: Aaron King

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You know what happens sometimes when you get married very young? Sometimes things don't work. When you're young and in love, you think everything will be fine and you can survive on love. Well that's bullshit, and I know this, because I'm living in that nightmare.

"We're behind our bills. You should ask for a raise. Your job covers some, not all."

"Rory, I do well as a teacher. I'm applying at the university in New York. Our lives will change there."

We've been married for 6 years, and things got insane this year.

She sighed. "Sorry, I just want us to have a good life and not struggle you know. I want kids with you and I don't want them to suffer like we did, when we told our parents and no one supported us."

I gave her a kiss and then pulled her into a hug. "I promise, things will change."

She wiped her tears as she nodded. "I love you, I know we've been having trouble lately, but please don't leave me."

"I won't, New York will change our lives. Trust me." I smiled at her.

"Okay, I love London, buT maybe a new change of scenery is what we need." She smiled.

She may have mood swings, but I still love her. We can work through our marital problems.



It's been two beautiful days since we arrived, and two days that Jaxson, has been hanging out a lot with Raysa. There's one problem with my friend..

Raysa plopped on the couch and groaned.

"Who peed in your cheerios?" I asked as I gave her a cup of coffee.

"I saw Jaxson with a girl."

She meets a guy likes him fast and then crash and burn.

"He said he was busy, but now I know why." She huffed.

I chuckled. "Bestie, Jaxson is a player, I told you that already. And stop falling for them after the second day."

"What can I say, I'm a romantic and want to find love immediately." She shrugged.

"Just take it easy, don't show them too much interest. They might find it a bit desperate. Trust me, it happened to me once and never again, I started to ignore their calls and texts. It does wonders." I told her.

"Okay I will do that."

"And stop falling fast. Be like Cindy, that puta is so picky. And even when she likes someone, she acts normal with them." I added.

"I'm surprised her and Jaxson never dated or hooked up." She said before drinking her coffee.

"Yeah no, their relationship is brother/sister. Jaxson can be the biggest player, but he is a great friend and will always be there when you need him."

"I brought pizza." Jaxson, said as he entered with Cindy.

I gave Raysa a look she rolled her eyes at me.

"So, Sorry I haven't called today, been kinda busy." He told Raysa, as he sat next to her.

"I kinda forgot we were hanging out today. I was busy checking out some papers for college." She replied as she grabbed a slice of pizza.

"Cool, are you excited for college?"

"Yes, I can't wait. I'm what you call a nerd." She grinned at him, he smiled at her.


"A cute nerd."

"Not really, you would've bullied me in school. You give me the cool guy vibe. The one that says, I don't want to be associated with you."

"Pff. I was popular in high-school, but I wasn't the mean kind. I was actually nice." He told her.

"He's right. He was nice and popular. Especially with the ladies." Cindy added her two cents.

I laughed.

"Shh. Trying to get this beautiful girl, to accept a date, you're not helping, Cindy."

"Wasn't Trying to." She stuck her tongue at him. "I'm trying to save her poor soul."

Raysa chuckled.

"Besides, didn't I see you talking to Romilda, an hour ago?"

This puta sure knows how to start a fight, and I'm here for it.

"Cindy, I'm this close to smacking you with the flower vase."

"Oh hell no. You owe my mom tons of flower vase. Leave mine alone" I glared at him.

He laughed. "Dad paid them."

I shook my head. Gotta love this idiot.

"I don't like players." She told Jaxson.

"Just one date, if you hate it, I won't insist anymore."

She sighed "What about Romilda?"

"I was just asking her for a good place to have a romantic date. And she's into girls." He replied.

"She is?" Cindy and I said in unison.

"Yeah, she hid it in high school cause she was the cheer captain and well, you know how high school is." He told us.

We just nodded.

"One date."

"Okay fine, don't make me regret it." She sighed.

He kissed her cheek and then resume to his pizza. Raysa, tried her best to not blush, but couldn't hide it.

"By the way, I'm seeing someone. He is just the nicest man In the world. We've been together for 6 months." Cindy smiled.

"Wow, longest relationship ever. Fernando, must really love you, to put up with your annoying ass." Jaxson, told her.

"Well, he loves my ass." She smirked.

"Are they always like this?"

"Oh yeah, just relax and enjoy the show." I chuckled as she did too.

Seems like everyone is with someone, and then there's me. Single. Maybe I'll meet someone in college, but with my luck, I'll probably won't.

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