Chapter 1

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It was a fleeting day up in Nevada, the chilling breeze of the Nevadian air cutting through the Residential Sector of the Somewhere estate. The clouds running over the crimson red sky, being darkened as the clouds covered what little light shone in the dim sky. Through these clouds stood the tallest building known to the Nevadian species, the Science Tower, still operating even after Phobos' death and dragging to his 'Personal Hell.'

Though even though he had passed, years of work brought him back onto this wretched plain. But Phobos wasn't brought back for evil, no, he was brought back to re-iterate the wrongdoings he pulled himself onto. Wanting to turn the evil bounding around to return to the simple beginning it was meant to ride off on. Going into the said tallest building on this plain, entering the science tower that holds Agents, Scientists, and Guards.

Some of these people might catch your eye, which you are correct! There are 3 lead scientists that are namely known, mostly due to how they work together and why they work together. These three certain men, unnamed for now, we all working in their shared office. One wore a red tie, matching to his identification card, namely his name was Jebediah Christoff. He went by Dr. Christoff in the office space, accompanying his co-workers, names being Tricky Hofnarr and Christopher Crackpot.

Christoff was doing his work, as per usual, working on the paperwork that the Big Boss gave him to complete that very day. Dr. Hofnarr was working on a small project in the room next to their shared office with his assistant, Dr. Crackpot. Dr. Hofnarr had been working on this project for a day or two now, not getting a lick of sleep, even though his assistant would pester him about getting some bit of sleep.

Though, Dr. Hofnarr wouldn't push himself to stop work and take care of his body. His view of how this worked was he would push himself past his limits to accomplish the work for the day, then care for himself afterwards. His assistant thought this view was stupid, worriedly at best, would try to get his co-worker to sleep some.

Dr. Christoff knew of Hofnarr's tactics and how he would push himself harder than ever, it worried him some, even to the point he would check up on Hofnarr every few hours. Which Christoff managed to remember, so he pushed himself up from his swivel chair and went into the room next door, where he knew Hofnarr was for the project.

His lab coat fluttering behind as he walked to said room, the doors automatically opening. Dr. Crackpot was with Dr. Hofnarr in this room, his footsteps stopping as he noticed Dr. Hofnarr nearly nodding off to sleep as he continued to work. Dr. Crackpot looked at Dr. Christoff in a bit of disgust, but looked back at Hofnarr before speaking up.

"He has been refusing sleep, not exactly what I would want. And I'm sure neither would you, though could you help me in trying to persuade him into getting some shut-eye?" Crackpot pleaded, turning his gaze back to Christoff, who had a bit of shock running down his face. "Sure thing. I can try, I suppose." Christoff announced, as he would then trek towards the smallest of the Science Trio, who wore a green turtleneck under his lab coat, Christoff would pick Dr. Hofnarr up and take him to his bedroom in the Science Tower.

Hofnarr, barely awake would end up falling asleep in Christoff's arms, who would smile just slightly. Crackpot being the only person to notice said smile, though not mentioning a thing about it. As Dr. Christoff set the smallest male in bed, he would place a small kiss upon his forehead, earning a sleepy smile from the smaller one before he left to get back to his own work.

[To Be Continued...]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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