Chapter 1: The Truth

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Kanata, Ichika, Ryumon, Kengo, Yuna and Marluru walked into the TPU building and they arrived in Special Section 3.

Kanata: I can't believe your comrades left you on Earth.

Yuna: They've done this before many times. They even fought over me...

Ryumon: What Yuna is saying is true. She told me everything.

Kanata: Sometimes we get into arguments every now and then, but it was for a good reason. Hearing Ichika out was the right thing to do.

Yuna: There's a war going on and we definitely do have good and bad days. It's completely normal, but Akito and Kengo would never leave me in despair. Back then, they saved me many times and we had many conversations if any of us had issues. I had problems trusting them after I found out the secret they kept from me up to when I turned 18. But leaving me alone on Earth without leaving me with someone to keep an eye on me is not okay. That's why I had to go back to my normal duties under the TPU's supervision since they're the only organization that can assist and support me. I even help out there sometimes.

Kanata: It took us one year of training before Ryumon, Ichika and I joined GUTS-Select.

Yuna: I see. Akito and I joined GUTS-Select at the same time. Marluru was there as well.

Marluru: Guys, we have to focus.

Ichika: Yeah l, we gotta find out what happened to Akito and the others.

Kengo: Yeah, there must be some kind of way we can contact them.

Marluru checks on the computers and then he found some unclear clues.

Marluru: Huh? They're on Mars, but there's no signal up there.

Kengo: What!? But I've been up there, ever since I was a baby before I went down to Earth to join GUTS-Select.

Kanata: That's not possible at all. My parents must be up there somewhere.

Yuna: Yeah and the same with Mrs Manaka and the rest of our teammates.

Ryumon: I haven't seen my parents, ever since I was little. Maybe they're on Mars as well.

Marluru: Well, there's only one way we can settle this.

Kengo: And that is?

We're taking a trip to Mars.

Kengo: Wait... what!? We can't all go at the same time!

Marluru: Which is why I have a solution. Kengo, Ichika and I will stay here, while Kanata, Yuna and Ryumon head up there for some investigations.

Kanata: That's a great idea!

Marluru: I have attached communicators on the space suits and by the way, I'll get Captain Murahoshi's permission.

Marluru called the Nursedessei's crew and Yuichiro was there with Kaizaki and Murahoshi.

Murahoshi: Marluru, what's going on?

Marluru: There's only one way we can settle things and that is that Ryumon, Kanata and Yuna go to Mars to check on the people there.

Kanata: Please Captain, I need to know if my parents are alright.

Ryumon: We have to find Kengo's mother and my parents too.

Yuna: Plus, we might have an opportunity to find Mr Tatsumi and the others.

Murahoshi: Alright, but be careful.

Kanata: Got it. Goodbye!

The call ended

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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