Into reality

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Once upon a time, there was a portal leading to an other dimension. A mysterious figure was seen standing on the opposite side of the portal. I breathe in the artic air as I close the portal for once and for all. I know I must sacrifice myself to give this dimension a chance of living.  Goodbye dear world....

I wake up with a scream and realize it was just a dream

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I wake up with a scream and realize it was just a dream. I look over at the clock and realize it's 6:oo am. I should go ahead and get dressed for work.  Once I was at work I checked in and started to help people with there injures and helping with medications (I'm a nurse). While I'm getting medication for a patient when I feel a a strange feeling of me being watched. I looked around the room and saw nothing. I shrug and continue getting the medication. 

Mysterious Person POV:

I finally found them! I am finally going to get my revenge for locking me in the depths of hell. But alas, I need to make a plan to get my revenge first. But don't worry my little Whisp, I will get you and drag you with me to hell and you will never come back!

(267 words) 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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