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I know that nobody likes rules....even I do not like rules but I have to write them..but this isn't only about rules, it's also other things you should know as well.

.1 THE MOST IMPORTANT. No smut aloud in this book, but to anyone who wants to do smut do it in the dms please. But you can kiss and cuddle, if you wanna mate or anything do it in dms.

.2 Tagging. You can tag me but not too many times, and make sure do not tag your friends more than 4 times because they have lives to.

.3 Pls make sure you put in a lot of details.
Right; Luna was walking around sniffing for anyone near her. She looked around her, she squinted her eyes because it was night time and it was pitch black out then she stopped suddenly because she smelt a wolf from anotger pack. She turned suddenly and ran towards the creek.
Wrong; Luna was walking around she picked up a scent from a wolf, she ran away as fast as she can.

.4 Please be respectful of others. If you would like to fight them please ask before you do anyting to them.

.5 Do not hate the Wattpadder.

.6 Respect the LBGTQ+ members please if you don't I'll give you 3 warnings and if you don't listen i am going to have to ban you!!

.7 Most important of all have fun!!

You can make your own character or you can use one of the ones that are made, and you can ask of we can roleplay together, you'll just need to tag me and ask and chose who you want me to roleplay.
M/C/P, means Mate/ Crush/ Pups.

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