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     He cycled back to what psychology called stage 1, denial, and tried the lighter again. Muttered various variations of damn with an occasional fuck to accentuate his agitation. frenchie watched chewy as he struggled to light his cigarette across the room by the window, the twilight settling behind chewy, who oblivious of the fleeting twilight, it sneaked in on tip toes and hid in such a manner that it was like those where's waldo ( although honestly frenchie had never actually came across a where's waldo in real life, had more experience with the type of optical illusion illustration books, that promised the picture in front of you a picture of something else entirely. Frenchie considered the idea of seeing one of those pictures without the prior explaination of the hidden context, just the image, who was really at fault for waldo inexplicitly, in the condition of needing to be found,on a seemingly routine basis, the inquiring mind expecting you to presumingly have a reasonable response, a decisive definitive display of extremely assured trust in what you see in contrast to what they see in the bombarding saturated crowded plazas, clustophibic cacophonous if it were to potentially transpose itself to the medium of sound, as waldo, as he is previously presumingly habitually finding himself helplessly lost, remains a muted  crimson, unfound. What if the recipient of this message isn't ever reached. Waldo was missing. And you lived your life that day, and eventually your whole life, and waldo was missing and only the person asking himself that, over and over sometimes, the repetition slightly soothing them like a quick breeze in November. You just saw a lot of people enjoying the day, and a few unusually zany occurances as they do, and,
        The knocking, came suddenly, and Chewy waited to see if frenchie would stop trying to overanalyze whatever he currently was in the progress of overanalyzing, when the knocking never stopped, just a steady percussive rapping at the door, as if someone slightly tapping into a relatively newly applied restraints to his impulsiveness, chewy refused to ask who was at the door, and frenchie refused to abandoned his obligated neurotic evening ritual. He had nearly dropped the cigarette because of how uncommon it was for them to get visitors. He cautiously stepped lightly to the door, frenchie broke out of his internalizing and was now only more perplexed.
        Chewy got to the door and immediately opened it because of his muscle memory superceding the caution and the admittedly poorly applied assembly of the restraints on his first and second, and maybe his fifth natures. As he opened the door a shit eating grin spread slowly, deliberately, on his face.
        It was red, and frenchie, from upstairs, from a week ago.
        "...." Red said, not smiling, but not frowning exactly. He looked like he was mildly concerned about something, but not really able to convince himself that he was concerned about anything at all. Fritz fingers grabbed, relased, and grabbed at his other fingers as he stood behind red, refusing to look directly at chewy. Chewy motioned them in again and his grin lost it's shit eating after taste and became a sticky genuine quality to it, his teeth werent as straight as he would have liked but he smiled regardless.
        Fritz had immediately sat on the floor by the table on the carpet, crosslegged. Red sat by frenchie on the couch, towards the window and frenchie closer to the kitchen counter that divided the two rooms, fritz now on his right.
        "Weremebered." It was like the first syllable had stopped, looked back to confirm his departure through phonic utterance, and was immediately rewarded with the following collision of flustered syllables tried to prevent possible an entire derail
        "We, remember, remembered the flashcard, studying idea." Red translated reaching into his pockets for his zippo lighter, to appease the frantic demands from chewy, and the remaining short of the cigarette chewy so desperately desired to smoke.
        "Theflashcardsandcameover." It was worse that time. Chewy, had been looking at the sunsetting as he smoked his cigarette and was relived his faces split second scrunch was hidden. He would most likely tune the fast talking one out for personal reasons.
        "We promise to try to leave early tonight, we'll be back tomorrow we can all just donthe homework, study chill?" Red ask,stated indirectly.
        "Why not just meet after the last period and walk with me and Frenchie from campus,"
        "I have sanders for English, you have her worksheet? Frenchie and red began to trade notes, fritz occasionally stopped trying to follow the current plotline to even by chewys standards, a pretty bad episode of tubesock theater (chewy insisted it got good after one of their interludes, and noone really cared enough to dispute that claim.) They actually left very late that night. Chewy regarded the time as they both left,  12:11. He bid Frenchie a goodnight and went into the bedroom behind the wall the couch sat. Frenchie resumed to illusions and waldo, and what it means when a meaning is hidden but the hiding of it makes it mean anything, anything at all, maybe it eventually loses it meaning, maybe gain another  arbitrarily, most likely. Whenever he decided to just disembark on this series of extended metaphors-
        The met at 4, after chewy and fritz, Frenchie would assure and reassure chewy that yes, there's a word for that exact kind of thing that isn't just luck, just serendipity, the entire feeling concisely constricted into a word
     chewy was rather unimpressed and his lexical lethargy made Frenchie bite his tongue to refrain from adding foruity or happenstance to his explaination.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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