The Sexy Bear

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Kanye West Wakes up from a sweaty dream, He glances at the night stand were he placed his phone the previous day, He checks his phone to see that North Korea is planning to nuke the us, Kanye knows he has to save the us and buys a flight to South Korea, He leaves his house behind as he drives off to the airport, Kanye enters the airplane as a old hag starts farting infront of him, Kanye can remember smelling the smell of fish and damp Piss Kanye implied to the Hag, "Damn Bitch you stank", Kanye then goes on to take a seat, Behind Kanye was a Russian spy sent from the Cooch collectors to kidnap him, Kanye instantly snaps and stars Giving the Russian spy head and sucking the soul from his body, Kanye had successfully Executed the spy and goes on to take a shit, While Kanye is taking a shit his turd flies from under his ass and Hits the toilet lever "Woosh" "Bangs" Kanye is flown from the toilet into the snowy mountains butt naked, Kanye looks around seeing nothing but frost and white fog, Kanye is luckily to have a giant Cooch storage, Kanye pulls out a giant tent that he then sets up to sleep for the night, Kanye looks at the stars as his eyes slowly shut, During the middle of the night Kanye awakens to a bear Growling outside his tent, Kanye attempts to pull a sword out of his Cooch but instead pulls out a pink phallic object the bear scratches into the tent and sees the pink object the bear steals it and starts playing with it sitting on it and eating it Kanye then joins in and they start bear bonding and the bear goes on to be pregnant with Kanye's baby's, He named The first baby Kanye East the next Kanye North and the other Kanye South, Kanye goes into the bears cave to hibernate with the bear but then realizes his mission his passion the reason he's there, He runs out of the cave dashes into the snow and runs threw the icy mountains never to be seen by the bears again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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