The Arrival and horsman

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As Kanye wakes up from a nap on the helicopter he finds himself In a familiar destination he then goes on to look down out the helicopter to see South Korea Kanye then arrives at landing in South Korea Millie says," We're here Yass xoxo" Kanye then goes on to exit the helicopter as he could smell stank coochy nearby he sees armed Cooch collector agents surrounding him, Millie sees a pride flag on one of them and Brings her helicopter propellers to slice them all up and implies" Just slaughter homos Pur xoxo" Kanye thanks Millie for being such a big help and Kanye leaves Millie's waves to kanye, Millie sees a text on Kanye's thongs saying "Daddy's Tool" Kanye had these thongs gifyed to him by a Russian soldier at Cooch Collector corp Millie implies "You are like papa" and hunts Kanye down kanye runs into the building where he sees a women, Kanye grabs the women and uses the womens Cooch as a shield to block Millie's homonizers the homonizers Shoot Psionic rays that disintegrate homosexuals the women moans and the homonizers sink into her Cooch, Kanye throws the women and still runs until he finds a closet to hide in, Millie then yells " I will find you twink now or later" and leaves, Kanye sighs in relief and goes out the closet when he opens the door he sees the South Korean president say there's a caravan that goes from the south to north borders kanye has an idea, kanye runs to the caravan and hides in the goods section, Inside of the boxes there are millions of rainbow brand new phallic items that are ready to be played with he plays with one of them and moans and alerts the Horse man that delivers the goods, The horseman checks the goods and sees goo everywhere and a stench of smelly and stankness the horsemen then goes on to launch the goods up and Kanye flys into the sky landing on the floor the horsemen agrees to let kanye go if the horsemen gets to pleasure himself, The horseman sticks it in as kanye moans and groans kanye can feel the wide mess and girth in his hole as his hole gets looser and looser, kanye can he the way it goes in and out and the way it makes that sound of semen and friction, The horseman let's kanye go and Kanye enters North Korea with A sore butt but high hopes and is ready to save the us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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