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In the beginning there was nothing but void with The Presence, The Eternal, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent being who created everything and controls everything.

In the beginning there was nothing but void with The Presence, The Eternal, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent being who created everything and controls everything

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                     (The Presence)

Known by various names in different religions and Myths like The God, Yahweh, Chaos, Kami-Sama, Brahman etc...

The Presence created beings made of Light, Angels. Samael, Micheal, Gabriel, Azreal, Azazel, Amanedial, Raphael, Uriel, Metratron were the first generation of the Angels. These Angels lived the realm known as Heaven.

He birthed others Celestials like Living Tribunal, Death, Spectre, Pheonix-Force, Watchers, Ouranus, Gaea, Eros, Chronus, Aether, Tartaros, Ymir, Raa, Izanagi, Izanami, Shinigami, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, Great Red, Ophis, Trihexa etc...

The Living Tribunal and Great Red were made the Guardian of the entire Multiverse. Death got the responsibility of, well, Death. Pheonix-Force was created by The Creater with prowess of life.

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva all the 3 together formed the Hindu Trinity and later in history were known as the supreme rulers of the Hindu Pantheon.

From Ymir came the Norse Pantheon. Raa formed the Egyptian Pantheon while from Izanagi and Izanami came the Shinto Pantheon. Ouranus and Gaea were the Progenitors of the Greek Pantheon.

All these divine beings had their own seperate realm where they lived. Many new races were from by the gods like Youkais from Shinto, Nymphs from Greek, Dwarfs and Elves from Norse etc...

Great Red, Ophis and Trihexa were the Beast Trio.

Great Red, DragonGod of Dreams also known as True Dragon was the embodiment of dreams and illusion itself. He was a being that could destroy a universe like it was nothing. He was the most powerful being in the existence after The Presence.

 He was the most powerful being in the existence after The Presence

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Ophis, The Infinity DragonGoddess. She is the embodiment of infinity and Chaos. An omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient being like Great Red, whose strength almost rivalled his. She was a genderless dragon who could shapeshift into whatever she desired.

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