Away for work.

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"Do you have to go, daddy?" Rosemary said. "Yes, I'll be back tomorrow kitten," Albus said. "I love you daddy," she said. "I love you too, kitten," he said. He stood up and went over to Minerva who was holding little baby Sage. "I am so sorry that I have to go to an order meeting like this," he said to Minerva. "It's alright, I can handle one night with these two without you," Minerva said. "Would you send me a patronus message if you need me?" he said. "Of course, I would," Minerva said. Minerva lifted Rosemary into her arms and gave Albus a kiss on the lips. Albus left after kissing Minerva and their daughters goodbye and telling Rosemary to behave.

"Do you want to go see Hagrid, kitten?" Minerva said after Albus left. "Yay! Hagrid!" Rosemary said. "Alright, we've got to get ready to go outside," Minerva said. "Okay, mommy," Rosemary said. Minerva got Rosemary and herself ready before getting Sage ready to go. Sage was fed a bottle shortly before Albus left to go to a meeting for the Order of the Phoenix.

"Ready to go, kitten?" Minerva said. "Yes, mommy," Rosemary said. "Alright, let's go," Minerva said. They left the private living quarters and walked down the corridor. "Rosemary, hold my hand sweetheart," Minerva said. Minerva had Sage settled on one arm and Rosemary grabbed Minerva's free hand and held onto it as they walked down the corridors of Hogwarts.

They walked up to Hagrid's cabin that sat on the edge of the Forbidden Forest and they saw Hagrid with a few herbology students that were apparently failing herbology. Professor Pomona Sprout was watching them and repotting a few plants from the greenhouse herself. Hagrid looked up just in time to see Minerva walk up with her two very young daughters.

Hagrid stood up when they got closer. "Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said, standing up. "Hello Hagrid," Minerva said. "Hagrid," Rosemary said, giving him a hug. "Hello, little one. What are you all up to today?" Hagrid asked, returning the hug to the little girl. "Well, Albus just left for an order meeting," Minerva said. "I'm guessing that this little one needs to burn some energy before bedtime tonight," Hagrid said. "Yes, I thought that we would come see you," Minerva said. "I see," Hagrid said. Lily Evans came over with Severus Snape and Rosemary squealed happily. She ran over to Severus and hugged him. Lily lifted the little girl away from Severus who grumbled in response to Rosemary hugging him. Rosemary smiled and laughed.

A couple of the students played with Rosemary until she started growing tired. Everyone went to dinner in the Great Hall around six p.m. Rosemary was more tired than hungry. She didn't have a nap that day, so she was overtired. Sage cried to be fed. Minerva fed baby Sage a bottle full of expressed breastmilk. Rosemary continued to cry as she was exhausted. Minerva wanted to sleep as well but she couldn't until her two young children were peacefully asleep and tucked warmly in their beds. She was going to get the two into bed very soon hopefully.

After dinner, Minerva went up to her and Albus's private quarters to put each of the girls into bed for the night. She knew that she would be up in a few hours to feed Sage again. Rosemary was having a tantrum right before bed. Minerva didn't want to fight with her eldest daughter right before putting her to bed for the night. It wasn't easy to put her to bed when Albus was here, and it was going to be harder to put her to bed without him here to help her.

Minerva laid down on her and Albus's bed. Rosemary was cuddled up to her chest and Minerva was purring. Rosemary started to calm down a little, but she was still crying. "It's alright kitten, I love you," Minerva said. It made Rosemary curl up even tighter to Minerva's chest. Minerva didn't know what to do with Rosemary right now. Minerva knew that Rosemary missed Albus as she was a daddy's little girl. He gave Rosemary, Sage, and Minerva everything that he couldn't give his own sister, Ariana before she tragically passed away when she was fourteen years old. He did a lot for them. He gave them the time that they each needed. He wanted to be there for them. He wanted to be a father to his little girls. They were so little, and they both needed him to be their father. He hoped to see each of them get married when they grew up and got married. He was happy to be their father. He was happy when Minerva told him that she was pregnant with Rosemary. He helped her through both of her pregnancies.

She was awake when Albus arrived back at Hogwarts early the following morning. Rosemary was asleep in their bed Minerva was feeding Sage, who happened to be wide awake. He came closer to her and gave her a kiss. "This little one's almost finished," Minerva said. "Alright, I'll go put our first little kitten into her bed," he said. "Alright," she said. He lifted Rosemary from the large bed. Her drowsy head was resting on his shoulder. He quietly left the room and went to put Rosemary down in her bed to tuck her in. He was lucky for her not to wake up when he placed her in the bed and tucked her and placed a kiss on her head gently.

He went back into the room that he shared with Minerva. She was just placing Sage down in the bassinet by the bed. She sat down on the bed, and he followed suit. "No trouble last night?" he said. "I only had some trouble getting our little kittens to sleep last night," she said. "I wish that I could have been here to help you with them," he said. "I know," she said.

Sage started to whimper and Albus lifted her from the bassinet. "It's alright, baby girl," he said. He sat down with her, and he pulled her in close to his chest. Sage calmed down but kept squirming. Minerva couldn't help but smile at her husband holding their little baby girl gently in his arms as she squirmed. He sat her up and held her gently on his lap as he smiled. 

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